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1. If you're upset about your review, please don't harass our reviewers. They're providing an honest opinion of what they encountered while reading. You're more than welcome to inquire more about their thought process, but we will not take any form of rudeness.

2. Please be patient while our reviewers are working hard to get your review done. It may take some time for a quality review. It's coming! If you want an idea about when it'll be complete, take a look at the Reviewer Applications for allowed timeframes for when certain types of reviews are to be completed.

3. Please make sure to complete the payment listed by your reviewer. They're putting in a lot of time, work, and effort in your review. If the payment is not complete, we will withhold your review.

4. Feel free to reapply after an edit and get a new review. In your form, you'll just have to let us know it's a resubmission. There's no guarantee you will get the same reviewer as before and it will work exactly as before: You'll be waitlisted until it's your turn. There's no cutting the line here!

 There's no cutting the line here!

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1. Don't be unnecessarily harsh with your review. Our key objective is to help writers improve, not tear them down. There's nothing wrong with being honest, but please be mindful of how you're providing your feedback. We will not tolerate the spread of hate.

2. You have to be willing to use Discord. That is where we are all able to get together and talk. It'll also be easier when deciding who chooses what book to review. The link to join is on our profile.

3. Breaks are necessary! You are more than welcome to take one, just don't forget to let us know. With that being said, please also utilize your cap. Limits are set to not burn yourselves out!

4. We request the following numbers of chapters to be read for these kinds of reads:

☁ Blurb: The blurb.

☁ Hook: Two chapters, minimum.

☁ Character Development, Plot Development, and World-building: Between five and ten chapters.

☁ Full: The entire book.

☁ "Buy It": All of the above.

5. We are allowing DNRs (Did Not Read; you started to read it, but it developed such a problem you could not finish), but please explain as part of the review why you're DNRing.

Flourish - A Review Shop by TeamOfDreams - On HiatusWhere stories live. Discover now