Heart of Thieves

20 4 1

Author's Name:


Review Type:
Cover/Blurb Runner-Up's Prize

Judge 1 Review:
Blurb/Genre Rep: 9/10
Legibility: 10:10
Color Comp.: 10.10
Balance Comp.: 9/10
Overall Impression: 10//10
Total: 48/50
I took off for balance because I felt the cover is very well done, but it's very dark and it makes the snakes very hard to see as well as some small details of the dagger. I also feel like the fact that the 'written by' is under the author name, it's a bit of an odd placement. But over all, the covver fits quite well for the genre.

Judge 2 Review:
Blurb/Genre Rep: 10/10
Legibility: 8/10
Color Comp.: 9/10
Balance Comp.: 10/10
Overall Impression: 9/10
Total: 46/50
The images used for the background are dark, small, and hidden by text, so I feel like I'm missing something. But, because its the background, I don't think it's completely essential. Nice job, overall.

Judge 3 Review:
Main Character: 7/10
World: 4/10
Conflict: 5/10
Stakes: 9/10
Enticement: 9/10
Total: 34/50
This blurb was difficult to judge. On the one hand, it is incredibly enticing. But on the other hand, after reading is, I felt clueless as to what the story was actually about. The blurb uses too many ambiguous phrases and sentences, leading to nothing being concrete and clear. You'll get very far by simply clarifying it.

Judge 4 Review:
Main Character: 7/10
World: 4/10
Conflict: 5/10
Stakes: 9/10
Enticement: 10/10
Total: 35/50
While the blurb is incredibly enticing, I did not get a feel for the character and her goals. The conflict is unclear. All this blurb tells me is that her kingdom is in trouble and she has a plan to save it, but it is shown in many unneeded words. I am confused about what the dark force has to do with literally everything else. Try to connect it to the rest of the blurb. I'm also confused as to why she has to bring the war home... Maybe leave that out of the blurb. Some things are best left to the reader's discovery.

 Some things are best left to the reader's discovery

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