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Hook Review:

The first chapter, you introduce the main character in a nice way. The reader gets to know her a little bit, but you also keep the mysterious setting up. You describe everything really well. And I'm curious about that guy who brought her to the place she will be staying. Especially since he was so mysterious about the thing (animal?) she hit, as if he knew more, and because he knew things about her that she didn't tell him. About that hitting part, maybe you could add some more details there. A bit more hinting to the paranormal side. That she's confused about what she just hit, and you can have her shocked a bit more about the situation. In the second chapter the setting gets a bit lighter, but you keep the mysterious details in there. Here and there you get to know something about the characters, so that the reader gets to know a bit more about them. But you don't give away too much, which makes the reader stay interested to keep reading this story and to find out what all happens in this place. The ending was a nice way to end this chapter, and to keep the mystery in this story alive. You are doing a great job of connecting the chapter to the first chapter by letting the character think back about certain things and by that, expanding the information that the reader started to get in chapter one. Here and there, you can maybe hint a bit more to the paranormal side, including some more mystery to that. But that's everything. For the rest, you're already doing a great job. Overall, I believe this is a great hook with enough mystery and a nice start of the paranormal setting.

 Overall, I believe this is a great hook with enough mystery and a nice start of the paranormal setting

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