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Cover for Short Story:

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Blurb for Short Story:

John is glad that Jack is his last patient of the day. Some need more therapy than others. But this Jack? He's quite different... and maybe not so crazy after all.

Short Story: Psychological Beans

John gazed out his office window for a few moments before he called in his next therapy patient. He often took these moments to center and focus, and today, he needed one after the morning he'd had so far.

He shivered from a cold draft as he gazed out at an overcast, rainy sky that blanketed the city. That the clouds had moved in was unexpected; it was supposed to be a clear, sunny day. They'd even said it'd be a little warmer than usual. No such luck. Added to that, his knee was bothering him again, an ache that was a clear sign of an impending change in weather, and his right foot was itchy.

I hope it doesn't snow, he thought to himself. I have to go and pick up Sister Mary from the garden club. John often helped out the nuns of his church, even Sister Mary, who was notoriously grumpy, with errands and rides to and from their community garden project.

The morning had started like any other morning: up at five, a quick jaunt on the treadmill, shower, coffee, breakfast. The day had gone downhill from the time he opened his eyes. His phone had run out of battery because he'd forgotten to plug it in. The coffee shop where he stopped for his third cup of coffee had run out of his favorite creamer. Lunch had been a fiasco in both order and delivery; he ended up scarfing down a turkey and mayo on wheat instead of leisurely enjoying a ham and cheese on rye.

The day had dragged on, and John had become more and more sullen. At last, it was time for the last patient of the day, and John was grateful; he was bone tired and needed a nap.

John checked his watch. It was time for his patient, a man by the name of Jack, who was a referral from his friend, Tom. Tom was an interesting guy, in John's opinion. He was a little person who looked a great deal like Peter Dinklage, a fact that he played up as much as possible. Despite the novelty of knowing a celebrity look-alike, John thought Tom had the most fascinating peculiarity: he was horribly afraid of cows.

He sighed. As interesting and intriguing as Tom's fear of cows was, it had nothing to do with the coming business at hand. He picked up the phone. "Edith, show in the next patient, please," he requested.

A tall, thin man dressed in jeans, a tweed jacket with leather patched elbows, and a sky blue sweater was ushered in by his office assistant, Edith. The man smiled at her, clearly taking in the mass of curls on her head.

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