The Seer's Library

48 2 5

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Review Type:

Plot Development

Plot Review:

My first thoughts that come to mind are that the chapters are pretty long. As I'm on a laptop, it's not so bad, but for any mobile readers, it'll be a hassle. Next is that you do have a way with words. I feel you do very well at your descriptions which is nice and makes it easy to visualize what's happening.

Now, how I feel about the plot, there are times where I feel a little confused. There were some instances where I wondered what certain things had to actually do with the story. I think it may be that a lot of the chapters feel like filler. For example, in chapter one, when Orion is talking with the duke; looking back, I kind of feel like that whole interaction didn't help push the story along. Was it to show us that Orion is Luminur's 'dog'? If so, there are plenty of instances where that happens.

Coupled with that, reading act one also made me feel like the plot is extremely slow. I think most of that has to do with what I mentioned about the chapters feeling like a lot of random filler. Part of me does feel like sometimes the pace is good. I feel mainly happy when they mention the seer's library or when the King was telling Orion there would be a war. Past that, I can't piece together what act one is there to do.

Past that, I do think this story seems pretty interesting. I feel like you've written something quite unique and it does make me want to explore the world you've created. Especially when we see that Celeste, one of the MCs, has lived much longer than anyone would think. I feel like reading her story would be a long ride full of lots of twists and adventures. But this also leaves me wondering why Orion has a part and why he's mentioned at all.

From the blurb, it seems like the story is really about Celeste and Luminur. To me, it's just a little confusing on why we have three chapters dedicated to him. Though maybe he will play a bigger role later on and I just don't know.

As a whole, the plot is interesting. I do think people will enjoy it once they start reading. I think I'm personally just confused on some of the details presented. I would definitely love to know if Orion will be making a comeback because I did enjoy his character. If he's not, I would maybe consider nixing his part completely because to me, it doesn't do anything for the story other than introduce their religion and the library. That could easily be done differently.

Oh, I also wonder how many acts you're making in your novel? Each act seems really short and not like we'll be able to get a good handle on anything if we continue to switch in the middle of a climax and such. Though I did stop at chapter five, so I can't be sure how act two ends. I'd love to know if you're willing to share!

If you'd like clarity on any of my thoughts, please feel free to reach out. Overall, I did think your concept is interesting. Once you publish more chapters or get close to completing, consider coming back for a more full review. I'd love to see how the story progresses!

 I'd love to see how the story progresses!

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