Love and Potions

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Clearing your throat, you woke up with a pounding headache. You could feel the drainage clogging your throat as you sat up in bed. Grabbing your hankie from the side table, you blew your nose. The yellow mucus on your handkerchief grossed you out; you realized you needed more than just a tiny hankie. "I love being sick."

Getting out of bed, you tiredly reached for your clothes before you started coughing and hacking violently. It hurt your chest. You heard footsteps walking past your door and then halting. You didn't know who that was, but there was no doubt that they heard you. Moments later, the sound of those steps resumed and then faded.

Dressing into your work attire for the day, you read your checklist of what needed to be accomplished:

[1. Dust the hallways
[2. Reorganize books in the Library
[3. Check and restock the supplies
[4. Trim some plants in the Courtyard 

Feeling already drained and ready to go back to bed, you hoped you could complete all the tasks as soon as possible.

The dust swirling around your face was definitely not helping your congestion. It was only plugging you up even more and making you cough more frequently. Your sneeze was vicious.

"Man, that's gotta be like the ninth time you've sneezed in the last five minutes."

Wiping your nose, you turned around and saw Cassandra behind you, observing you with a worried expression.

You sniffled and wiggled your nose. "Oh, hey Cass. I'm sorry, I know my sneezes are loud and obnoxious."

"Ha, I won't deny that. We can hear you clear from the first floor. But really, are you feeling okay? You sound sick, and your voice sounds like someone poured gravel down your throat."

"Yes, I'm fine. I just woke up with a little cold. It's nothing–achoo!"

"You shouldn't be cleaning. I'm not even sure why you're doing that in the first place. The other maids usually do that. You really ought to rest."

You wiped the snot off with your sleeve. "I'm okay."

"I'm telling Mother. Her potions will help you feel better faster."

As Cassandra strode away, you called out to her. "No, Cassandra! Don't tell your mother. She doesn't need to be bothered with this, it's absolutely nothing."

You were about to follow and stop her when Lady Dimitrescu walked around the corner and spotted the both of you.

Cassandra's face lit up. "Mother! I was just coming to look for you. Our sweetest maid is sick. Do you think one of your potions will work on her?"

Lady Dimitrescu glanced at you with concern. "Dear, are you sick?" She made her way over to you and bent down to check your temperature. Feeling her hand on your forehead, you were about to tell that you were just fine until she spoke first.
"You are running a high fever. You, young lady, are going straight back to bed. Abandon your tasks."

"But M'Lady, I'm feeling just–" Your mouth snapped shut when Lady Dimitrescu shot you a stern look, warning you not to challenge her command.

"To bed." Her stern tone then became tender. "I have a potion that may work on you."

The very notion of consuming a potion made you nervous. Salt and warm water mixed together were adequate for you. You regarded alchemy with wariness. Perhaps drinking just one droplet might turn you into a frog or make your body break out in boils. Casting the unpleasant thought aside, you simply nodded and returned to your bedroom. 

Your fingers fiddled with the sheets when Alcina Dimitrescu came into the room and smiled at you. She delicately held a small bottle in her hand.

"Here it is." Alcina sat on your bed and moved closer to you. She showed you the alchemical bottle in her hand. "This should help clear up your congestion." She popped off the cap and poured the contents onto a spoon. She was going to spoon-feed you? You were perfectly capable of doing it yourself; you weren't moribund, and you weren't a child. However, it seemed like a kind gesture, and that was something you could never turn down.

The Love of Lady Dimitrescu X Female Reader || One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now