The Bloody Mirror (Conclusion)

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As the flames swallowed you, you fully expected to suffer in one of the most agonizing ways a human could bear. But instead of feeling your skin burn, you felt warmth envelop you from head to toe. It was an oddly comforting sensation. The light from the fire then overwhelmed your sight, causing you to squeeze your eyes shut.

Once you opened them, you found that you were no longer in the dungeon. You were in a brightly lit area that seemed familiar. It looked like one of the guest rooms in Castle Dimitrescu. 'I know this room,' you mused. Thinking harder, you snapped your fingers upon realizing that you did, in fact, recognize this room, you've cleaned it before. This was the guest suite that was several doors down from yours.

"Come closer," the otherworldly voice spoke again.

You freaked out and peered around, wondering where it was coming from. Your eyes settled on the floor mirror in the room's corner. It was the same one that Daniela had propped against the wall. There was a youthful lady in the mirror. She appeared no older than 18 years old. Her golden braids draped over her chest and she wore a nice kirtle that hugged her slim figure.

"This better not be another hallucination."

"I assure you it's not," the young girl spoke.

"You're the one who was speaking to me from that fire?"


"Wait, how am I even here?"

She tilted her head at you. "I brought you here. Let's just say that you are within another dream."

You bit your lower lip. "Okay...why am I here? It's not that I'm not grateful for your help, but I'm really confused right now." Your eyes then widened to that of an owl's. "And my friend! Ang–"

"She is fine," the girl reassured. "I checked on her, and she is only resting. I have brought you here to set my sister free."

"Your sister? Who is your sister?"

"Clarisse, the one who was chasing you."

Your mouth twisted in shock. "That was your sister?"

"Yes, and I am Elaine. My father was a lord, and we lived in this very castle long ago. Your current residents would not know our family name."

"Why is your sister...the way she is?"

A look of sadness surfaced on Elaine's face as she recalled the past. "My sister was accused of witchcraft, which brought great shame to our household. My father could not bear the shame, even though none of those imbeciles had any proof to back up their false claims against her. Victims indicted for witchcraft were submerged in water and then removed right before drowning." Elaine then lowered her head and sighed. "Father subjected Clarisse to this barbaric treatment to force a confession out of her. But he never got one."

"So, this isn't Bloody Mary after all. I don't understand. Why did she appear in that room with us? And why is she an old woman?"

"Bitterness not only corrodes your soul, it also ages you. She was so hurt and enraged that no one believed her. After she passed, her angry spirit became trapped inside this castle. She wallowed in bitterness for many years, so when you and your female companions tried to summon what you call 'Bloody Mary,' you ended up summoning her. Her spirit had been dormant until you performed that ritual." Elaine released a hollow laugh. "You'd be surprised to know that my sister looked as youthful as you see me now. Clarisse was only 17 years old when she died."

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