Come Back Home

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Throwing in all of your clothes, you stuffed them into your bag as fast as possible. Angry tears raced down your face and your tongue tasted their bitter saltiness. After you overheard Lady Dimitrescu speaking with Mother Miranda on the phone, you knew you had no choice but to leave Castle Dimitrescu. Your life was at stake.

With your bag in hand, you headed out, glancing back at your room one last time. You didn't know if you'd be coming back, and that crushed you. Sneaking down the staircase, you winced as each step creaked. If you tried to muffle your steps, it would only worsen it.

Halfway down, you were unaware of the troubled, steely, and yellow eyes watching your every move like a hawk. The countess gripped the rail harder. Anger churned inside her, for she despised any form of secrecy and sneakiness.

"Where do you think you're going?"

You almost skipped a step and lost your balance when her commanding voice echoed through the castle. Hesitantly, you turned your head and noticed her figure looming over the railing. She must've come out from the Wine Room.

It was vital you showed no fear in your tone. You had to be direct with her. "I'm leaving."

"Leaving so soon?" She chuckled darkly. "How curious."

With each step she took toward you, you'd take another step down, with the goal of making your way to the carriage gate.

"Why are you moving away from me? Stay where you are."

You froze, knowing you at least owed her an explanation before leaving. Standing close to you, Lady Dimitrescu studied you. "Why do you have your bag with you?"

"I need it."

"For what purpose?"

Your fingers clutched around the handle more firmly. "So I can reside elsewhere and have my nightclothes."

"Why would you want to stay elsewhere? Is my castle not to your liking?"

"I overheard you speaking with Mother Miranda. You'll let her take me, won't you?"

She stiffened and pursed her lips. "Well, yes. She's coming by tomorrow to take you to her makeshift lab."

"Where she'll experiment on me, no doubt."

"It's a necessary experiment," she defended. "You will undergo a transformation that will– "

"Cadou implantation. I've heard of it. It assimilates the DNA of a host. Even if I survive it, who knows if I'll be a failed adaptation. I could turn into a Lycan for all we know."

"That won't happen," she snapped. "Its very name means "gift." You should be grateful you're receiving such an honor."

You scoffed, wondering how she could've possibly viewed Miranda's experimentation of you as a gift. "An honor? I could die from it! I don't want to be a mutant."

"You'll only gain the critical ability to live–"

"I don't want any abilities! My humanness is just fine by me. Why can't you let me be what I already am? Am I not good enough for you?"

She gritted her teeth at you. "Don't you dare insinuate such a thing. I have said nothing like that to you!"

"Then call it off! Tell Mother Miranda to not take me. I want to keep working here and stay with you and the girls. I beg you, tell her not to come."

"It's what's best for you, darling. Believe me." She stretched out her arm to pacify you, but you jerked away from her touch.

You avoided looking at her and gripped your bag harder; your knuckles turned white. "I'm sorry, but I won't do it. I can't stay here any longer." Turning your back to her, you started moving down them until she snatched your arm.

The Love of Lady Dimitrescu X Female Reader || One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now