The Price of Grief Part 5

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You thought you heard a bowling ball rolling down the stairs until you realized it was just your daughter dragging her expandable roller travel case. Chuckling to yourself, you knew your little girl had packed enough to cover your entire family for a month. Never once had you worried about her underpacking.

"Daniela, I insist you pack an umbrella!"

"Mother! I don't need one. It's only going to rain for two days."

Alcina continued to follow and badger her child down each step. "Not according to my weather app. It's predicting three days of rain."

"Mom!" Daniela quickened her pace, wheeling her case a little faster. "Mother's following me around the house with her weather app. Save me!"

You chuckled while cutting her favorite meat sandwich into halves. "Not the weather app! Whatever shall we do?"

"Mom, I'm dead serious, though." She then peeked inside the lunch bag sitting on the counter. "Green grapes! Yes! And you got the blueberry granola that I love!"

Nothing tickled you more than hearing your child squeal over the food you prepped for her. "Well, you have a long car trip ahead of you. I threw in some cheese sticks, too. You can share those with Clara, okay?"

"I will!" She rummaged through her bag of treats, snatching a handful of the granola to pop into her mouth.

"Dani!" You shooed her away from the counter with your butter knife. "Not from there. There's an open bag of granola by the stove. You can eat out of that."

"Not until you pack this into your travel case." Her mother stood directly behind her, bumping her luggage with her foot. "It's a compact mini umbrella. It's no wider than my handheld mirror. Just let me slip it inside."

Daniela hid her suitcase behind her leg. "There's no room. Sorry. It's so full that I can't squeeze another thing into it. Not even a thimble."

Your wife glowered at her. "What nonsense! You packed two sets of headphones and a scrub brush, along with your twenty pairs of socks and underwear for a four-day field trip. Why do you need a scrub brush anyway?"

The red-haired girl flashed her teeth. "It's for my reusable water bottle! I don't want any grime on it. And the additional set of headphones is there in case my current ones break."

You roared with laughter. "Honey? Our daughter is fine. She's got her handy-dandy super brush."

Your wife cracked a smile, shaking her finger at you. "You are not helping, dear."

"I'll just wear a dashing hat like you do, Mother. It'll protect me from the rain. You see?" Daniela tapped her temple with her index finger. "Practical thinking."

Alcina remained unconvinced. "Mm. That's hardly a satisfactory explanation. But I suppose it'll do. You do look rather cute in a hat."

Her child's face lit up with pride. "That's because I rock that look! I am the next Audrey Hepburn!"

You washed off your knife in the sink. "You both are lovely ladies. Equally dashing in a hat. Dani? When are they coming?"

She checked her watch. "In ten? I'm all packed and ready to go."

"Alrighty. Take your lunch with you. Your sisters are out on the porch. Why don't you go say goodbye to them? We'll be out in a few."

When Daniela left the kitchen, you dried off your knife and put it back into the utensil drawer. Your wife snaked her arms around your waist, pushing herself into you until your hips were pinned against the counter. "So, you find me dashing in a hat?"

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