To Win a Heart (Conclusion)

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Hauling your wife by the arm, you were struggling to open the door to your old high school. It was the first reunion after ten years. Your wife couldn't be any more exasperated than she already was. Frustrated, you huffed and turned to glare at her.

"Alci, would you stop dragging your feet? It's not going to be that bad."

"Remind me again why we must attend this?" she asked with a sulky face, grimacing when you succeeded with pulling her inside. "You know I've never cared for any social events, especially when I'm forced to make small talk with a bunch of people I barely remember from my high school days."

"It's because Donna told us that we need to relieve our youthful years – actually, she didn't want to come to this alone, so that's why we're here. Otherwise, we'd be watching a movie together."

Squeezing your hand, a small smile formed on her crimsoned lips. "Well, I could've promised you a better evening. I could've kept your body cozy, and well, other things."

Flashing her with your white teeth, you released her hand and trusted that she would stay inside the building with you. "Just hold on to that promise and you can show me a good time after this, okay? If you have a really good attitude about this, I'll give you a gold star, my favorite student!"

"Oh, Mrs. Dimitrescu, I can hardly wait. I will be sure to be on my best behavior." Winking at you, Alcina walked ahead of you and had to remember which direction the gym was. It seemed like so long ago that she escorted you to her first and last homecoming dance. How time had slipped by.

Once you and Alcina entered the gymnasium, your nose crinkled at the familiar odor that you never cared for back then. Among the loud chatter of all your former classmates, you then noticed an exuberant woman waving at you near the refreshment table. She pushed through the crowds and rushed over to you, wrapping her arms around your waist and trying to lift you like she once did.

"There's my bestie! I'm so happy to see you! It's been forever. Oh my God, it feels like we just saw each other yesterday! How time flies!"

"That's because we did see you yesterday and the day before that," Alcina remarked dryly with a playful roll of her eyes. Donna was pretty much the same person she was in high school, except she was more sassy and straightforward.

Shaking her finger, Donna separated herself from you and opened her arms to receive her. "And there's my favorite tall girl! C'mon, Alci, I see you hiding behind your wife. Come here! Give me a hug! I won't bite, I promise."

Throwing her head back, Alcina chuckled deeply and yielded, opening her arms to give her an affectionate hug. "Ah, I know you won't bite, but you can certainly pack a punch."

"Don't tell me you're still sore about me hitting you with that broom all those years ago?" Donna teased, laughing at your stunned reaction at having heard this for the first time. "Might I remind you that I was defending Y/N's honor?"

"Yes, yes, it's because you were her 'Beatrice'."

"Still am!"

You raised your hand and glanced between the both of them. "Hold up, what did I miss here? Who hit who? Donna, what did you do to Alcina?"

"What did I do?" she scoffed with her hand on her chest, feigning offense. "I was protecting you, that's what!"

Alcina patted your shoulder lightly. "It's quite all right, darling. Donna only beat me with your house broom and then tied me to your porch column. I had to break free of the rope that she had secured around my wrists and ankles."

With a sardonic grin, Donna suppressed the urge to slug Alcina in the arm. "What horseshit. Even if I had done that to you, you needed to struggle. You had to break free to reach your true love, am I correct?" 

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