The Union of Hearts Part 2

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Wearing heavy metal on them may have left them feeling invincible, but the soldiers were not spared from the humidity. They removed their gauntlets and rested their hands on their swords. Some even loosened the straps of their body armor, so their chest could be more free.

"My companions in arms. We will stand together, united and strong. Lean on each other for support and raise your fellowman up."

They continued to hang on every word that came from your mouth. Their light of hope was reignited after having faced many weeks of fighting their own personal demons and missing their loved ones. Soon, they could go home.

"...and let us not forget we are not alone. You are not alone. Our countries stands with you. The people know of your courage, it does not go unnoticed."

With a stoic expression, the Captain of the Guard stood by your side, finding herself taking heart in your uplifting words. There was no mistake in you coming here. This small garrison needed a commanding and comforting presence. You met that need.

They gave their applause after you reached the end of your speech. Each soldier came up to you one at a time to convey their personal gratitude to you. You greeted them with warmness and listened to their stories. Their needs. Their hopes.

The captain wished to encourage you to conclude your visit. You had a long journey back. She was aware Alcina would be rather anxious waiting for your return. Miranda had given her queen her word that she would keep you safe.

Watching you interact with one particular soldier, Miranda waited for him to end his sentence before cutting in. "Your Majesty?"

You had just finished talking to this young man by the name Mihal, who was most enthused to tell you about his family living on a farm near your home country. He then expressed what a privilege it was to meet you in person and how his father and mother admired your parents. "Yes, captain?"

"A remarkable speech, I must say. I was impressed, and I'm certain I'm not the only one who feels that way. Are you nearly finished? I do not intend to rush you, but nightfall is coming. I believe it would be wisest to escort you back to Oradea. We've a long journey ahead of us."

You admitted it was disappointing how your time was cut short with your soldiers. If it were up to you, you would've stayed in the stronghold with them until the morning. However, you knew better than to question the captain's judgment. "Of course. Please allow me several more minutes with them and then we'll leave?"

The captain nodded her understanding and went inside the fortress to check on the supplies. She realized this stronghold was lacking in number. Currently, she could only count at most seventy. More soldiers were needed.

Trying to give you more time, Miranda occupied herself with inspecting a blunt blade. Running her fingers along its edge, she suddenly heard someone blowing a war horn. A dreadful sound that no brave soul was ever prepared for. Acting on adrenaline, she charged back outside to look for you. She was met by the pandemonium of her men drawing their weapons and yelling their war cries. The women picked up their bows and dashed up the winding staircase leading to the tower. From there, they'd gain a better vantage point to fire their arrows on their foes.

Panicked that she could not find you in the chaos, Miranda was then taken aback by the swarms of enemies sprinting across the dry grass in her direction, fully equipped and ready for battle. This incursion would soon overwhelm all of them. She could not afford to fail you or any of her soldiers now. Drawing her single-handed sword, Miranda let out a battle cry and charged at an incoming swordsman, dodging their first slash and then running her blade through him.

Meanwhile, you were fleeing with Mihal up a bridge staircase. Your royal armor made each step feel heavier. By the angry shouts echoing from behind you, a fresh wave of fear pulsed through you and forced you to move faster. Three enemies were pursuing you. One of them carried with them a flanged mace.

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