The Night Shift

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This was the fourth time you read the directory. You were deciding which part of the mall you'd patrol next. During the early part of your shift, you swept the first floor and then informed your fellow security guard that you'd likely make your way to the second floor. 

You pulled out your transmission and clicked it. "Hey, I'm heading to the second floor. Is everything good where you are?"

Your radio speaker crackled and a Mid-Atlantic accent spoke through it. "I'm right behind you."

You turned around and waved at her. She was only several feet away from you and attired in a similar uniform to yours. A typical badge, polo shirt, black jacket, dark boots, and for the both of you, tasers guns. "Are you following me?"

"Perhaps," she smirked, toying with the flashlight hanging from her belt. "How are you handling your third week?"

"The hours don't go by fast enough. When I'm pacing these empty storefronts, it amazes me how many times I pass by the same food court or circle back around to the kiddie equipment only to realize that only twenty some minutes have passed. But I know I shouldn't complain. I'm a night owl and that's why this job suits me. It's a bit tedious, I admit, but never lonely. Although it helps me to know you're walking around this place."

Hearing that comment of yours pleased Alcina. Admittedly, you made her shift less lonely, and after doing this gig for several weeks longer than you, Alcina found that she didn't mind having you here. After all, you were the new security guard. She felt it was her obligation to look after you, making certain you were familiarized with the layout of the mall. "Does the silence unnerve you?"

"Not at all. I welcome the silence. I just don't want to hear any ghostly whispering or sudden screams during my shift, you know?"

"Like last week when you clutched your chest in fright?"

You grimaced at her and despised that memory. It was so humiliating for her to have caught you off guard like she did. You were sitting in the food court and taking a break when Alcina had sneaked up from behind you. She failed to spook you because she dropped her flashlight by mistake, which caused you to nearly fall out of your chair. She couldn't keep herself from laughing at how you released a muffled squeak. Her flashlight had done a much finer job than she could've imagined.

"That doesn't count! And I'm pretty sure you dropped it on purpose."

Her face grew serious. "I didn't drop it on purpose."

"Really? Then why were you sneaking up on me?"

"I was testing your reflexes. On a scale from one to five, I would give you a...two."

"Two? I'm flattered." You tried to appear tough by crossing your arms. "Just admit that you got pleasure from seeing the horrified expression on my face."

She inclined her head and then scrunched her face in an adorable way. "Well, that I won't deny."

"You're incorrigible." You playfully bumped her arm as you passed her, heading toward the escalator. "I better keep walking before I get another cramp in my calf."

Worry lines framed her mouth. "Are you experiencing cramps? I have a banana packed in my sack? I can get it for you."

Your eyes flickered with merriment. "A banana? Why do you have a banana with you?"

She neglected to answer your question. "They're well-known as muscle cramp relievers."

How you got paired to work with this sweet woman was astonishing to you. "I'm good, thanks. Say, be careful and call me if you need me. If there's any trouble, you know I'll be there in a heartbeat!"

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