The Interview Part 3

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You kept typing, ignoring the woman trying to get your attention from around your desk. She always had the wildest fantasies and most eccentric ideas you had ever heard. How she became Alcina's receptionist was a genuine mystery to you.


Your fingers hovered over your keyboard for a moment as you gave her brief eye contact. "What is it, Donna?"

Still speaking in a hushed tone, she moved closer to you. "Are you busy? I need your help with something."

You pressed your lips together. "Donna, I'm not covering for you again while you run off on another one of your hour-long errands. I had to answer all of your calls at the front desk while scheduling Alcina's appointments at the same time. I almost double booked her afternoon yesterday."

"Hey, I'm helping you hone your multitasking skills because you're still a newbie," Donna scoffed. "And I was only gone for like ten minutes. Look, I just need your help with a simple task. It has to do with Alcina's birthday."

"Alcina's birthday?" Your flat tone turned more animated. "Is her birthday today?" If you had known that earlier, you would've gotten her a card and her favorite drink. Your boss was something special. You believed she deserved some sort of celebratory acknowledgement or gift, at least.

Donna bobbed her head, scanning the office to make sure Alcina wasn't around. "Yes, and don't say it so loud. She hates people knowing about that. I only know because I found out about it a few years ago. Come with me. We're going to surprise her!" She pulled on your arm, forcing you to abandon your workstation. "I've got these special cupcakes for her. I just need you to write something gushy in her birthday card."

You were dragged down the hallway, being led straight to Alcina's office. Suddenly, you squeezed her arm and yanked her back. "Wait, why am I the one who has to write something? You just told me she hates people knowing about her birthday."

Narrowing her eyes at you, Donna pulled you along once more, making a sharp turn around the corner to where the storage closet was located. Promptly, she opened it and pushed you inside the cramped space. The room was filled with boxes of empty binders and other office supplies. "Okay, now we have more privacy. I need you to help me with her birthday surprise, please? Yeah, you're not wrong. She doesn't like people knowing about her birthday, but I don't think she'd mind if you knew. And if you wrote something sweet to her, I think she'd be delighted, honestly. She thinks a lot of you, you know. You've been a good assistant. She notices how hard you work."

"And I think a lot of her." It was an easy statement for you to make. You were neither shy nor afraid to admit that to Donna. "She's treated me so well since day one. She's so understanding, smart, capable, generous, kind. And..." You stopped yourself, realizing how ridiculous you must've sounded from gushing over your boss." She's a wonderful person. I really admire her."

Donna giggled at your fulsome moment, for you reminded her of a teenage girl babbling about her secret crush. "Yeah, I can tell, which is why you're the perfect person for this job!" Quietly, she clapped her hands with happiness. "She's going to be so touched! The box of cupcakes is already on her desk. The blank birthday card I got her is right next to it. All you have to do is write something nice to her and then sign your name."

"Why not both our names? You're the one who got the cupcakes for her."

"I don't want to be caught in her office," Donna confessed, hunching her posture. "Last year, I kind of messed up my birthday surprise for her, and she's still not too pleased with me about it."

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