Chapter 1

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I sighed sitting down at my kitchen table opening my laptop
" Lets see where this job search takes me today." I muttered to myself.
I came home a couple weeks ago and it still hasn't really set in but I can't glide on my savings forever, in all reality I couldn't afford it at all although I got myself into some real secret squirrel shit during my time.

I spent damn near 12 years under Uncle Sams payroll, it started at 17 with a forged signature from my foster parents, my biological parents gave me the boot when I was 10 and I got stuck with my drunkard druggie fosters so getting out wasn't all too hard. Hell they probably didn't realize I dipped for a couple days, I chose to join up since coming from West Virginia I didn't have many other careers in front of me, so I joined the Army scored pretty high on my ASVAB and had a couple paths to choose from, I settled with 19 Delta or Cavalry Scout I did 2 tours of duty under that MOS and decided to try my luck at Ranger school. Granted it took me a couple cycles but I earned my beret and fell in with the 75th Ranger Regiment 2nd battalion. I spent along while with the Rangers before I got hand picked by the CIA to operate on some black ops missions, mainly acting as an advisor in foriegn countries for militia or high stress recon missions, that took me to all the corners of the globe. Until one mission in Afghanistan trying to recover a high value target our convoy hit and IED I was in the lead vehicle, I got thrown from the vehicle and broke my back. From there I was medically discharged and after a litteral fuck ton of surgery and therapy I can walk again.

That ordeal took around 6 months until I was able to come home, which now is my land in Utah, I'm actually pretty proud of the cabin I've come to call my own I'm far away enough for it to be quiet enough for no one to bother me but civilization is only a stone throw away.

3rd person:

Y/n was so consumed in thought he barely noticed his email go off, the quiet buzz set him on edge before he quickly calmed himself down and looked at the notification seeing it was from one of his applications.

"We at the Freddy Fazebears Mega Pizzaplex have reviewed your application for the Security Guard position and have invited you to an in person interview at our location on 02/14/2024 at 9:00 am.
We hope to see you there!"

"Well shit thats tomorrow, poor fuckers must be desperate." Y/n muttered to themselves in their deep voice.

"I guess that puts an end to the search then, huh." He said with some of his southern twang peaking through his words.

Y/n looked at the time it was 6:00 pm it was a little weird not going by military time anymore but he decided to make dinner grab a shower and clean up his look for tomorrow.

Y/n pov:

"Now what is there to eat in this place." Y/n whispered to himself
"How about a pizza, thats pretty damn simple." He said grabbing a pizza from the freezer and preheating his oven. Once the oven was warm enough he popped the pizza in and set a timer, while waiting for the timer he decided to put on the news while he waited.

When the loud beeper went off Y/n jumped and clutched for a rifle that wasn't there, after a couple deep breathes and muttered curses Y/n calmed himself and got the pizza out and dug in.

"Goddamn fatass that was the whole thing!" Y/n chuckled to himself cleaning his plate before putting it back.

Y/n got into the shower afterwards letting the hot water run down his back relaxing it, even after everything was said and done his back still ached all the time.

Stepping out of the shower Y/n dried himself off and wiped the mirror clear looking at his h/c h/l and his beard, "You're gettin pretty outta control bud." Y/n muttered looking at his long beard. He decided to trim it up to a short stubble, after he finished he looked down at his tattooed arms,
"Fuck I hope they're alright with tats." Y/n cursed to himself. Looking at his left arm he saw his tattoo, it was a soldiers cross (helmet on a rifle stuck into boots) on ethier side where a series of first and last names, 8 in total they belong to fallen brothers and sisters he met across his time in the Military. On the inside of his arm there was a rose bush with 8 flowers further symbolizing his fallen comrades, his upper arm mimicked a combat shirt bestowing his rank of Master Sargeant and an American flag. Looking to his right arm he choked a bit, the inside of his arm had a dragon head at the wrist with a sword piecing its head, the dragon wrapped up the length of his arm, the sword ending at the inside of his elbow had a set of dates the rest of the spaces held a collage of sorts from a combat scene to what appeared to be artworks, one was a rose field the other a medieval castle and the final being a pair of samurai fighting.

"I miss you buddy." Y/n said softly.
His right arm was a memento to his childhood friend Trey, Y/n lost them to suicide when they were 16, his death was a nail in the coffin for y/n's service since Treys plan was to join before he passed.

"Well I guess I should head to bed so I'm perpared tomorrow." Y/n said aloud

Authors Note: I hope you guys enjoyed the first chapter I'll try to get atleast 3 out a week.

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