Chapter 4

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Y/n pov:

I slid behind a small wall as bullets landed around me, panting I checked the mag in my M110 before cursing and throwing it out slapping a new one in its place and sending the bolt forward chambering a new round with a metallic clink.
"WHERE ARE THOSE FUCKERS!" I shouted at the top of my lungs, my breath visible in the cold Ukrainian air, we got sent here to train the Ukrainians and perform some recon work on the border but the Ivans didn't like our squad getting that close to the border and open fired on us.
"GOT ATLEAST 15 OF THEM SKYLINING THE RIDGE TO OUR WEST!" My squad mate Michel called out.
I peaked my head out slightly getting eyes on and spotted the enemy.
"P.I.D. ON EM THATS IN UKRAINIAN LAND, THOSE FUCKS ARE FAIR GAME BOYS!" I shouted out to my squad. Our SAW gunner Reevan started lightning up the hill to suppress them while I threw out a smoke, the grenade made a pop sound and smoke started pouring out, once we had a thick enough screen I bolted from the old farmhouse we were in and repositioned behind and tractor opening fire on the enemy squad. I had dropped three of them before gliding to my next target who was turning to run but locked eyes with me making me freeze, suddenly my vision was filled with the faces of those I've killed and my ears rung with screams.

I shout out of bed screaming, I quickly stopped and tried to slow down my breathing getting out of bed and pacing my room. Once I had calmed myself I noticed I was drenched in sweat, so I placed a hand on my sheet which was equally as soaked so I ripped the old sheets and blankets off throwing them in the laundry basket and making my bed with new ones. I then checked my clock seeing it was 4am, I needed to be at work at 6 so I had enough time to shower, so I started my routine of showering with cold water to clear my head before getting myself ready, after drying myself off and brushing my teeth I pondered on what to wear deciding on black cargo pants for work and a simple gray t-shirt. I passed on breakfast again being to on edge to eat, "I'm so goddamn tired of these dreams maybe I should see one of those free VA therapists, I need one thats for damn sure." I said to myself unsuccessfully trying to shake the bad thoughts out of my head, looking at my phone the time was 5:00 am I still had 30 minutes to kill, with nothing better to do I let myself drift through my thoughts eventually landing on Roxanne, why was I thinking about a robotic wolf? Jeez I need to make friends, although she had quite the figure for something built for entertaining children and seeing her get awkward meeting me was pretty damn precious...alright Y/n get a fucking grip son. Looking at my phone it was 5:25 so I decided to head to work.

Roxanne pov:

I spent all night thinking about Y/n I really really hope John gave him the job or I don't know what I'll do. I decided to get out of bed early and pretty myself up more than normal, although I am the best so I didn't have to, but on the chance Y/n worked today I needed to be perfect. I sighed "Theres no way he can like me though I'm not even human I can't be good enough..." trailing off I started to get sad and felt my eyes start to get damp, I tried to get ahold of myself but I just couldn't and started crying.

Y/n pov:

Pulling into the empty parking lot of the Pizzaplex I down shifted causing my car to let out a symphony of pops they never bothered me but any of car would set me on edge I guess I just new they'll happen so it never bothered me, I made my way behind the building until I saw a road leading underground marked "STAFF PARKING."
"This must be it." I mumbled pulling into the underground garage seeing 2 other cars, I pulled in-between the 2 cars but still had a space on ethier side. Looking at the time it was 5:45 I really took my time this morning, I sat there listening to a mixture of my favorite song and my cars aggressive idle, it being so loud it was echoing off the walls of the garage. Just as I was slipping into a day dream about getting to see Roxanne again there was a tap at my window startling me and making me grip for a rifle, I sighed when I looked over and saw it was John. I rolled down the crank window to hear, "Whats up Y/n! I didn't mean to scare you but I just had to come say I didn't know you drove such a nice car!" John said as chirpy as a bird, again how the hell was he so energetic?
"Oh you're fine John, I get jumpy all the time anymore, and yeah shes my pride and joy." I said a little loudly over the car tapping the wood and stainless steel steering wheel. Before we could continue the staff door slammed open revealing a pissed off looking blonde who stormed up to John before yelling, "I'M SO TIRED OF THIS SHITHOLE JOHN I REFUSE TO GET BULLIED BY ROBOTS AND I FUCKING QUIT!" The woman yelled running to her car and taking off before John could get a word in.
"Well she seems real nice." I said getting out of my car shutting it off.
"That was our night guard Vanessa, shit!" John said "Well Y/n Lets get inside and get you suited up today's going to be a long one." John sighed, I could tell this wasn't new to him which was wierd but I decided not to ask. I walked into the staff room seeing several sets of lockers all with different markings from custodians to maintenance, finally laying my eyes on security, seeing two lockers one read (Y/n) (L/n) walking up John said, "You're combination on that keypad is 0123 after putting that in it'll ask you to put in whatever you want I'll be in my office above the main entrance of the place theres a security office right above us where you can clock in from there the jobs up to you, patrol around or play on the cams, but at 9 we'll start seeing customers so definitely start walking the floor then until probably 10 then you can take a break in an office or whatever you please, if there is an emergency I can get you via radio or a security bot will notify you, good luck dude!" John said running out of breath before giving me a smile and thumbs up before heading upstairs.
"Alright lets see how she goes." I said punching 0123 into the locker keypad, the locking mechanism made a snap, the keypad then beeper and prompted "Please enter a 4 digit passcode." A female voice said.
"Hmm how about...ah that'll do." I said hitting the numbers 0947, the locker asked me to confirm it one more time before saying, "Your passcode has been accepted, thank you." Finally I opened the locker seeing a couple sets of white security shirts that had my name on the left breast and security on the right and a utility belt consisting of a flash light, baton, radio, and a phone which I assumed was for contacting emergency services. I decided to take my t-shirt off and just wear the security shirt because it had to be 75 in here, so I dawned my shirt leaving the top button undone and tucking the excess in my pants before snapping the belt on my waist. Walking up the stairs to the small security office I saw a small machine that read "EMPLOYEE CLOCK IN" it asked for my name, entering it the machine text read, SHIFT STARTED HAVE A GREAT DAY :).
"Alright lets do this." I said walking out of the office.

Authors note:

I'm back! I'll be updating normally again, I'll try my best to get a chapter out every day for you guys since the story has started to take off!

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