Chapter 7

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Roxy pulled me from Freddys room by my hand, once we reached the end of Rockstar Row she said, "Well its 8 so we still have time to see everything before I have to go preform and deal with the little devils, so is there anything you'd like to see first?"
"Well I seen your racetrack on the way over here, how bout seein that." I said looking over to her bounce with excitement.
"Of course! It is the best in this place, just like me." Roxy said grabbing my hand and pulling me in the direction of her track.
After 5 minutes of navigating the Pizzaplex we made it to the attraction there wasa big neon sign that read "Roxy Raceway" with an outline of Roxanne and 2 race carts.
"Pretty impressive signage Roxy." I said listening to the audio of cars racing and tires squealing.
"I always did like the neon, it lines the whole track! C'mon Y/n!" Roxy said happily with her tail starting to wag.
"Hey your fur must be actin up again." I said sarcastically to her causing her to glare at me.
"S-shut up, the cars make me happy." She said with a light blush forming on her face.
"Mhmm if you say so Roxanne." I said with my drawl coming out when I said her name making her blush even deeper.
"O-okay m-maybe its because you like the tr-rack." She said softly putting her index fingers together.
We walked up to the pits where a  couple maintenance guys where doing last minute checks on the carts for the day not really paying us any mind.
"We'll have to come back after hours to race." Roxy whispered knudging my arm getting a nod from me. After staring over the track for a minute we moved on, leaving Roxys attraction we looked over to see "Gator Golf" and Monty sitting down looking away from us, seeing him made Roxy shudder.  I gently grabbed her hand causing both of our faces to heat up and I lead her away from the attraction.
"Theres no need to dwell on him right now, but has he bothered you like that before?" I asked looking over and slightly down to her, letting my eyes meet hers.
"Yes actually, he's always been a little weird towards me but since Bonnie disappeared he's gotten 10 times worse." She said shuffling a little.
"Whos Bonnie?" I asked tilting my head.
"He was one of us but he went missing a couple weeks ago, causing Monty to get more attention, I honestly don't think he's greiving, more likely he finally got a taste of fans and lets it get to his head, its amplified everything shitty about him." Roxy explained.
"What a barrel of dicks, I'll make sure he stays away from ya." I said getting another of one her adorable giggles.
"Thanks Y/n, oh Fazerblast! You'd like this its lazer tag." Roxy said stopping me.
I looked up at the neon sign seeing the band in space helmets and hold blasters while blaster sounds and explosions played, before long all I could hear were explosions, then gunshots and various other war sounds filled my ears and blocked out any of my other senses.

Roxanne pov:

I was explaining Fazerblast to Y/n and once I finished I realized he looked weird and really dissociated, I stepped in front of him and his e/c eyes although normally blank were completely devoid of emotion, I waved my hand over them and still couldn't get his attention but I saw his breathing pick up so I grabbed his shoulders and shook him, "Hey! Y/n come back to me hon!"

Y/n pov:

I felt someone shake me and immediately tensed up, but upon seeing Roxy staring into my eyes I calmed down and let out a deep sigh.
"What happened Y/n are you okay?" Roxy asked in a concerned tone.
"Yeah, sorry to spook you, those explosions set me off a little." I said looking down and sighing again.
"Oh you poor thing." Roxy said pulling me into a warm hug, she rested her head on my shoulder and said, "I'll keep that in mind if it happens again hon."
We stayed in the hug for what felt like hours before we realized what we were doing and pulled away both blushing.
"Oh fuck! Its 9 I gotta get ready for our first performance, see ya later!" Roxy said smiling and running off with her tail wagging so fast I thought it'd fly off.
"Outta my way fuck head." I heard a voice behind me before feeling a scaly hand push me to the side as Monty moved past me.
"Its a pretty fuckin wide path cockbreath." I said catching my balance glaring at the lizard as he walked away.
Suddenly my radio beeped and I heard a familiar voice chime in.
"Y/n its 9 if you aren't already on the floor get on out we got customers." John said.
"I'm already out Roxy was showin me round." I said pressing down the button on my radio.
"Oh cool Y/n! Glad you two are getting along, say come on down to the front, Map bots are moving out and you'll need a map trust me." John said laughing at the last part.
"Sure thing buddy I'll be right down." I said releasing my radio before heading towards the entrance. I made my way past the familiar statue of Freddy and walked down the escalators since they were still off, making my way off the last step I got jumped by a white robot, "HELLO PLEASE TAKE A MAP, FREE MAP."
The sudden appearance startled me so I let out a mean right hook to the robots head causing it to shut off.
"Goddamn why do they do that?" I said looking at the robot as it sat dormant, "Well thanks and umm sorry bud." I said grabbing a map, taking a few steps I heard the robot start back up and go about its business.
Walking to the front door I saw John and stood beside him seeing the first few customers start to flood in.
"Well Y/n hows it going so far." John said as casual as he could get.
"Its great John, besides me and Monty havin a little argument earlier, nothin too major though." I replied in a casual manner.
"I'm sorry about him Y/n, what happened." John inquired.
"He made some pretty rude comments to Roxanne and she didn't appreciate them, so I stood up for 'er and he didn't like that." I said fixing the collar on my shirt.
"Well thats too bad, I'll have him taken to parts and service tonight and have him shutdown for the night, sometimes when they act up it helps, but anyway you obviously met our ex night guard, so uhh would you mind staying a little over just to lock up and do a quick patrol? I'll pay you overtime and a bonus but its all up to you." John asked looking to me.
I thought it over and realized I don't do shit outside of this and its more time with Roxy so hell yeah I would.
"Sure thing John I don't mind it."

Authors note:

Sorry for my inactivity I swear one of these days I'll get a schedule lmao.

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