Chapter 14 🍋

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I lay on the bed with Roxy holding me tight, even if I wanted to move it definitely wasn't possible, girls got some strength. I heard everyone speaking but I couldn't bring myself to listen, all that was on my mind was how I found myself covered in someone else's blood once again, I guess you never can leave the war once you get into it. Eventually I couldn't even keep my eyes open, I slowly sank my head into Roxys chest until I felt weightless and slowly drifted to sleep.

Roxy pov:

I was laying in Freddy's bed clutching Y/n, I'm sure this is nothing for him but God it scares me to see him like this, the others kept making plans on how to solve the situation but they couldn't agree on a solid plan. I was about to put my two cents in when I felt the weight on my chest increase, I looked down and saw Y/n snuggled into me, poor thing was already fast asleep before I could say anything.

"Hey Freddy, do you think it's safe enough to get back to our rooms, Y/n is passed out and I know you don't want a blood soaked dude laying on your bed for who knows how long." I said grabbing everyone's attention from the argument.
"Thats fair enough, we are not making progress anyways, I think we should call it a day, but no one leave without doing so in pairs, I will not have Bonnie happen all over again." Freddy said being the typical dad he is.

We all one by one made our ways back, I was able to carry Y/n back to my room even if he's heavy.
"Goddamnit Y/n what do you eat." I huffed plopping him down on my bed.
"Alright now to deal with this mess." I said looking at his ruined clothes.
"Come on Roxy, it's just the hottest man on the planet." I mumbled blushing at the portion of his chest I could see. I slowly unbuttoned the last two buttons holding his security shirt together, I then gently pulled it off his arms so I wouldn't wake him. Once I could see his whole chest I saw he had a tattoo around his neck of dogtags matching his actual ones, his chest had another oriental dragon on his left peck that was in a battle with a medieval looking dragon on his right, God I need a tattoo and he needs to design it, his stomach was ripped and he had a great set of abs, but they had a couple scars on them there were 3 on his left that resembled claw marks, and 2 on his right that looked like crude cuts, and one circular one that I couldn't quite make out.
"Alright lets get your shoes off." I said moving down and pulling his boots off, his right boot was soaked in blood.
"Jesus did you send this up someone's ass, guess you are Rambo." I chuckled to myself.
After I got his socks off I gulped, I couldn't leave his pants on because they were soaked in blood and ruined.
"Alright lets just not black out." I said taking 3 big breaths before grabbing his belt and undoing it, thank God he's passed out. After fumbling with his belt from my hands shaking I got it off, I slowly undid the button and zipper, I then shut my eyes tight and pulled his pants off, dropped them and felt for my blanket and tossed it in the direction on Y/n. I opened my eyes and saw that atleast his lower half was covered.
"Oh thank christ." I said sighing with relief, I definitely would not be able to function if I saw that much of a snack.
I saw his forearms still had dried blood on them, thankfully I had some rags in my toolbox that I kept in my room, I grabbed 3 and walked to my vanity grabbed my spritz bottle and unscrewed the cap dumping some water on the rags. I walked back over to Y/n and started to clean his arms off, once the blood was gone I sighed and stood up, I walked to my closet and took off my day clothes and put on a oversized white tank top and kept my panties on, I then slipped in behind Y/n and cuddled up to him.

Y/n pov:

I was jolted awake by the truck shaking from a pothole.
"Goddamnit Reevan can you learn to fuckin drive." I groaned waking myself up.
"How 'bout you learn to stay up Y/n." Reevan shouted back over the truck his Boston accent coming through.
"Alright, alright cool it ladies, Y/n we're about 400 mikes from the compound, go ahead and shake us down on the op again please." Ramirez said turning in his seat, we were a 4 man team riding in an old Land Rover,

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