Chapter 10

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Hearing the crying in Roxys room I knocked on the door and was met with, "I'm fine Freddy just leave." She spoke in a small shaky voice.
"Its not Freddy its me Y/n." I said hoping that might calm her down.
"Just go away and give me some time I'll be fine." She said in a breaking voice.
"Sorry Roxy thats not how I work." I said opening the door and walking up the small hall to her room.  I stopped at her door and heard her talking to herself, she must not have heard me walk up.
"Monty is wrong, Y/n has to like me, cause I'm the best...Everyone loves me, right? I'm not a loser." She said through sharp breaths and tears.
I clenched my fist, I knew Monty had something to do with it but thats a future me problem. I walked in and saw Roxy sitting in front of her mirror her hair was a mess and her eyes were puffy and still had tears rolling down them.
"Y/n! Get the fuck out!" She shouted wiping her tears.
"Thats not gonna happen, you need help and I'm gon give you it no matter if you cooperate or not." I said kneeling beside her and grabbing her hands, "No one's watchin you can drop the tough girl role and let it all out." I said softly while looking in her eyes.
She hesitated for a second before stuttering, "Y-y/n d-do you l-like me?" She said gripping my hands, "L-like more than a f-friend." She said blushing and looking down.
Her question caught me off guard and I felt my face heat up as well, do I like Roxy, I never stopped to think about it but considering how she makes me feel, yeah I do.
"Y-yeah I do Roxy." I said nervously.
"You do?" She said brightening up and smiling slightly.
"Yup you heard it." Seeing her mood improving boosted my confidence.
Roxy then squeaked and pulled me into a hug, "I knew Monty was wrong! Thank you so much Y/n!" Roxy said as she squeezed me as hard as she could, damn shes strong.
"Yeah you're welcome and all but if you want me to keep likin you I need air." I said in a strained voice.
"Oh, yeah s-sorry." She said her face now a dark shade of red.
"Heh no problem, you're a lot stronger than I thought girl." I said as we pulled apart and looked in each others eyes, it felt like years were going by as I stared into her yellow eyes, her green strand of hair was draped over her left eye so I pushed it back behind her ear causing her to blush and look down.
"Hey, how bout I stay up here for awhile with you until you calm down, does that sound good?" I asked as I stood up.
"I'd love that Y/n." She said as she stood up and walked over to her couch, "C'mere and sit awhile hon." She motioned me over.  I moved over and sat down with her and she layed her head on my shoulder and pulled herself as close as she could, her fur was soft and her tail wrapped around us like a blanket.
"Hey Y/n?" Roxy asked in a small voice.
"Whats up Roxy?" I replied leaning my head on hers.
"What was your favorite part about being a soldier?" She said rubbing my arm that she was clung to.
"Hmm, I guess the since of family, I'd never really felt it before I joined and I had the honor to call the guys an girls I served with family." I said reminiscing on the many great times I had.
"That was suprising wholesome." Roxy said with a smile, "How about the coolest thing you got to do?" She asked.
"Jumpin out of perfectly good planes of course." I said without hesitation causing Roxy to giggle.
"Well let me ask you a question now, besides the keytar whats your favorite instrument." I said looking down at her head, she looks so peaceful. She grinned and said,
"I'd guess the guitar, but honestly I'd prefer to sing if I didn't play the guitar." She said with a bright smile.
"You'll have to sing for me sometime, I'll return the favor since I like singin too." I said which immediately made her perk up.
"You gotta sing for me, I bet you're great at it ba-y/n!" She said catching her mouth and turning almost completely red.
"What was that now?" I asked with a smile.
"NOTHING I DIDN'T SAY ANYTHING HAHA!" She said with nervous laughter as she darted her eyes around.
"I ain't buyin it, baby." I said putting a lot of my drawl into baby which made her melt back onto my shoulder smiling ear to ear and causing her tail to unwrap from us and wag uncontrollably.
"Y/n called me baby." She said to herself in a squeaky voice.
"That I did." I said rubbing her back.
"You should do it more." She said smiling and twiddling her fingers.
"As long as you do it back, I don't work for free." I said chuckling at how flustered Roxy is.
"D-deal baby." She said quietly still red as a tomato.
"You feelin up to goin back out there?" I asked fixing her hair.
"Yeah just lemme fix my makeup and I'll be out on the floor, the best is back!" She said triumphantly.
"Thats the best news I've heard all day." I said standing up, "I gotta get back out on the floor, I'll see ya out there." I said hugging Roxy as she squeezed me back.

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