06. What's a Vampire?

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Ae-Cha's school

Smiling widely Ae-Cha made her way out of the classroom and towards the playground, as it was recess time.

She smiled happily as she followed other students of lower kindergarten's grade, who were scampering towards the ground with their friends.

However, Ae-Cha.... She was alone... Unlike others, she had no friend. She had no one to hold hands with and run around. She had no friend to share her food with. She had no friend to play tag with but she was too young to understand that. She was a child. According to her, everyone was her friend. She had a pure heart which was too dumb to understand that the other students ignored and avoided her on purpose.

"Hiii!", She chirped happily as she made her way towards a group five students, who looked a bit older than her... maybe three or four years older.

However, as soon as she stood near them, all of them took several steps back, making a disgusted faces.

Ae-Cha stopped on noticing this as she looked around, trying to spot something that might have made the children do that. She turned around to see those children staring at her, wearing the same disgusted looks on their faces

She was a bit confused by their behaviour but didn't pay much attention as she again smiled widely, revealing her bunny-like teeth that she had inherited from her father.

"Hi... I am Ae-Cha..", She introduced herself, wanting to become friends with them. However, her smile dropped when a boy stepped forward and pushed her behind, making her stumble back and fall down.

She stared at him, stunned by his rude behaviour before she looked back at her elbow, to see a small scratch on it which was enough to crush her happy demeanour.

"You... Don't come near us. We don't like you.", The boy mumbled as he crossed his arms over her chest.

Ae-Cha stared at him, even more stunned by his rude words as the corners of her lips turned downwards. A thin layer of tears accumulated in her eyes, after hearing his words.

"...but why? Ae-Cha...is a good girl..." She mumbled quietly as tears started making their way out of her eyes, due to his words as well as the pain.

All five students, started laughing at her words but not merrily, instead in a mocking way.

"Good girl? You know what? We don't care if you are a good girl. We don't want to become friends with someone whose father is a vampire. I hate those creatures and so does everyone else. They are disgusting. They drink others' blood.", One of them spoke as he stepped near her

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