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Warning : Cursing

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Warning : Cursing


But, what they weren't aware of was the fact that none other than Jimin was watching them with a smirk on his face because something was getting cooked in his mind to get Ae-Cha into trouble.

Ae-Cha, who had excused herself to wash her hands, cautiously passed by Jimin who was eyeing her as if she was his prey but what she didn't know was that she was unknowingly falling into his trap.

As soon as, she was behind Jimin, he turned around and smirked before pushing her. Ae-Cha gasped when she felt a jerk and lost her balance. She fell down with a loud thud along with a sharp and loud shattering noise which followed. Groaning, she diverted her attention towards the source of the noise only to widen her eyes.

The vase. The vase that was Jungkook's favourite. The vase that he handled with so much care. The vase that his grandfather had gifted him was lying on the floor, shattered into thousands of pieces.

She gasped as she abruptly stood up and abruptly took many steps behind.

She spotted Ayeong standing behind her, mirroring her expressions. Ae-Cha gulped before holding her hands tightly, making her divert her gaze towards her.

"I... I didn't do it on... on purpose... It..  it was accident-"

"Jimin- What The F***!", They heard a loud voice which almost stopped Ayeong and Ae-Cha's hearts but only widened Jimin's smirk.

Jungkook, who had just entered the living room, widened his eyes when he saw his precious vase lying on the floor, shattered and broken.

Silence. Utter silence fell in the room as Jungkook's gaze on the broken vase turned emotionless from a shocked one

In that pin drop silence, someone's rapid heartbeat could be clearly heard and the three of them being vampires, not only heard it but also identified it that it belonged to none other than Ae-Cha. Diverting his gaze towards Ae-Cha, he glared at her with fire in his eyes, determined to kill her this time.

Marching towards her, he harshly fisted her hair and made his way towards the main door, without uttering a single word.

Ayeong's eyes widened as she rushed to save her but stopped midway when she saw a thin stream of blood running down Ae-Cha's nostril.

Jungkook smirked without bothering to stop or release her hair and spoke,

"Dare come near her and the nerve in her brain would explode.", He spat emotionlessly before stepping out of the house and into the dark garden outside the villa.

Even he was getting wet due to the rain along with Ae-Cha but he cared less. He was blinded by rage.

Throwing her harshly on the cold, wet grass, he glared at her with a fierce gaze. The lightning flashed, the thunder resonated, the ground vibrated and Ae-Cha flinched but he cared less. The girl was trembling in the rain with blood running down her nose but he cared less.  Stepping on her soft palm, he kept on glaring her despite her loud scream on feeling the sudden pressure and pain on her palm.

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