22. The Wth chapter

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The King smirked in response before coming closer to her, letting her know that it wasn't a dream.

Ae-Cha's breath got caught in her throat when he stood close to her. He was the Vampire King all along? And she didn't even know it. Wow!

So caring and responsible of him for not telling her.

Letting out a shaky breath, she whispered softly,


The King stared at her for a brief moment before diverting his gaze towards Jimin. Both of them smirked at something that only they knew before a chuckle escaped the King's lips followed by Jimin's chuckle.

Soon, they were laughing at her, as if mocking her for being so oblivious and not knowing anything.

The King looked at her with a mocking look before speaking,

"Ae-Cha, you are so dumb but I don't blame you for it. Just lemme tell you one thing....", His expressions changed from a mocking one's to a serious ones before he spoke in a deep voice,

" I am not your dada."

Ae-Cha's heart stopped. Her breath got caught in her throat. She felt a cold feeling in her heart when she saw the emotions in his eyes while saying those words. Those eyes only held hatred and hatred.

Licking her dry lips, she brought her hands up to his face and cupped it softly.

"D..Dada... Wha... What are you saying?... I... I am your...your baby... Ae-Cha... Why are behaving like this...and...", She stopped as she ran her gaze over her surroundings before fixing her gaze on him again.

"And.. is this a prank? Wha... What is happening? I.. I was alone in.. in the house and vam..vampires attacked every... everyone... Please, tell me ...it's a prank . It is a prank, right?"

The King stared at her with hatred before harshly removing her hands from his face.

"Listen up, lil girl. I don't like it when a pathetic creature like a human touches me without my permission. So, keep your lil hands in control", The King warned her with a serious face but as soon as he completed those words, his lips curled up in a smile... not a heartwarming one but in a creepy one.

Stepping back, he crossed his arms over his chest before speaking,

"Well, you see. Lemme clear your doubt. I am not your dad. Your dad is that Vampire Park Jay. The kind, sweet and emotional Park Jay who is a disgusting black stain for the vampire community. Those pathetic vampires who live with you peacefully are nothing but a disgrace for us. Don't you dare compare me to that thing. Sure, physically we look the same.... but that vampire, Park Jay, was weak and pathetic but me.... I am a vampire of the highest grade. I am powerful. I have the authority. I can do whatever I want. I don't want to live with you humans. I want to oppress you, torture you, use your blood, use you all as our slaves and whatnot. I am the opposite of what Park Jay is. I am heartless, ruthless, merciless. I am the Vampire King, I am....

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