23. Scratch

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"Ae-Cha, are you feeling sleepy?", Beomgyu, who was closing the windows of the room, asked Ae-Cha, who was sitting on bed with a sad look on her face.

Registering his question, she shook her head not diverting her gaze from the bedsheet.

Sighing, he walked towards her and engulfed her in a warm hug.

"It's gonna be okay, sis. Don't worry.", He spoke softly, caressing her hair.

Closing her eyes, she placed her head against his chest, taking in his warmth as she really needed it.

"Jay uncle will be free soon.", Beomgyu spoke softly, rubbing his hand on her back, assuring her that she would be able to meet him soon.

However, their moment got interrupted by a voice from the door.

"Are you sure about that?"

Snapping their heads towards the door, they saw Jimin standing there with his arms crossed over his chest, not to forget his infamous smirk.

Ae-Cha's eyes wandered from Jimin to the person next to him but as soon as she did so, she felt her heart stopping.
There he was. The devil himself standing there, staring right at her with a smirk.


"Go to sleep, champ.", Jungkook spoke as he marched towards the duo before gripping the already terrified Ae-Cha's upper arm tightly.

As soon as he did so, Ae-Cha scooted back into Beomgyu's embrace, trying to get away from him.

"Get up.", Jungkook ordered, staring right into her orbs.

"N... No... Lea...Leave."

"Sweetheart, I don't like to repeat myself."


Ae-Cha yelped when he pulled her harshly towards him, making her stand on her feet.

Beomgyu gasped as he, too, stood up,


"Jimin, handle him.", Jungkook ordered coldly before dragging a terror-stricken Ae-Cha out of the room.

"Dad! No!", Beomgyu yelled as he tried to follow them, but Jimin was quick to push him back and lock the room but made sure not to push him that hard to hurt him.

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