24. Creases

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"Jungkook! Are you out of your f****** mind? She has been lying there, probably unconscious with a wound and you left her like that! How can you be such a d***head ? She is a child. A f****** child! A fifteen-year-old!", Ayeong yelled with anger lacing her voice as she glared at her husband who was sitting on the bed with calm look on his face, using his phone as if he hadn't done that to the poor kid.

"Jungkook, I am talking to you!", Ayeong growled, frustrated as to how he was so calm after doing such a thing.

Jungkook let out a sigh, before looking straight into Ayeong's eyes.

"Go to sleep, babe.", He spoke in a calm voice.

Ayeong looked at him in disbelief before she glared at him as if she could kill him any moment.

"How do you have the courage to say such a thing when my poor child is out there suffering in that cold, dark place?!", She growled, not getting affected by Jungkook who stood up from the bed and was now, standing right in front of her, towering over her figure.


"Leave her-"

"You are going to sleep, love. You are feeling sleepy, hm?", He spoke softly, cutting her off, staring deeply into her eyes as if hypnotizing her.

Ayeong furrowed her eyebrows at his words. They were so sudden and strange. However, the creases on her forehead disappeared when she felt a sudden dizziness in her head. She felt her eyelids drooping as her body felt numb.

Did he use his magic on her? Yes, he did. These were the last thoughts that came to her mind before she felt darkness engulfing her vision as her body gave up.

Before she could fall, Jungkook caught her and lifted her in his arms. Carrying her towards the bed, he gently placed her on it before placing a soft peck on her lips.

Sighing, he caressed her cheek softly, staring at her face with pure love.

"I love you but you talk too much, Ayeong.", He whispered softly before placing a last peck on her nose.

He smiled at his sleeping wife before standing up. Diverting his gaze towards the door, his expressions turned cold before he spoke in menacing tone,

"Now, let's deal with that lil trouble."

A smirk crept on his lips before he snapped his fingers, vanishing into thin air.

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