21. You?

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A last sob escaped her lips before the door flung open

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A last sob escaped her lips before the door flung open....

Or so was what she thought because in reality, the moment Ae-Cha was waiting for didn't come. She expected the door to swing open and a vampire to pull her out harshly but it never came. Instead, she heard the footsteps walking away. The voices faded away. Those growls became distant.

Gulping, she sat there silently, not having the courage to go outside. Slowly opening her eyes with heavy breathing, she peeked through the gap after mustering up her courage. Her sweaty forhead wrinkled into a frown on not finding any figure standing outside.

Were they gone? Did they spare her? Huh? But why? No. It can't be. They can't be so kind. Something was wrong. Very, very wrong. But she wouldn't go out instantly to check if they were still there or not. She had seen enough thriller movies to know where it would lead to.

Sitting there quietly, Ae-Cha couldn't help but feel a bit at ease. At least, she wasn't yanked out of the wardrobe and didn't became the lunch of those vampires.

Being smart enough, she waited for almost fifteen minutes before taking a deep breath and slowly opening the door of the wardrobe.

Cautiously, she stepped out of the wardrobe, looking here and there, preparing herself to be ready if a vampire jumps in front of her out of nowhere.

However, she frowned on not finding anyone in the room. Gulping, she took a few steps further, trying to find out what had just happened and why.

"Where did they go ?....", Her voice came out as a mere whisper as her body was still too afraid to produce a sound.

However, the hair on the back of her neck stood erect as she felt someone's cold breath on it. Widening her eyes, she turned around instinctively only to flinch back on seeing the person standing there so close to her.

She gasped as she stumbled back on seeing the stranger in her room, looking at her with a smirk. On the spot, as soon as she saw him, she came to know that this person was a vampire because he had that vibe. She just knew it.

"Sta..Stay away from me....", She spoke instead of asking stupid questions such as who he was. It didn't matter at that time.

Cautiously, she took steps backwards as her eyes scanned her surroundings for any object that could be used as a weapon.

"Oh my lil sweetheart, that's not a way to greet your uncle, is it?"

Ae-Cha frowned on hearing his words. What was this stranger saying? Uncle? Her uncle? Did this vampire drink a stoned person's blood or was he high on weed? Did he hit his head on his way and just casually stood up and walked away but now, that hit was showing its effects?

"What...what are you saying?...See... I don't... don't care who you...you are... Just lemme go-"

"Or else?", The mysterious stranger smirked as he stepped forward before holding her wrist.

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