Seventeen - Early Morning

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a/n: hi, guys. this story's alive. haha. //slapped.

i hope the length and the art could compensate for the two months. (yeah. i drew that. haha. *hides in shame*

well. i hope you enjoy. ;u;


Mashiro Yuki

My phone's cute ringtone turned annoying the moment it roused me from my sleep. I squinted at the alarm clock on my bedside table. There was still one hour and a half before I was supposed to wake up; the sun wasn't even quite up yet. I groaned as I closed my eyes shut, reaching up for my phone anyway but swearing that I won't be in good terms with the caller for a week if the reason's unimportant. Those male characters were about to kiss in my dream! Well, my anger would be one-sided, anyway. Flipping my phone open, I brought it to my ear.

"Hello?" I greeted lazily, my voice raspy with sleep.

"Yukicchi!" boomed the caller's panicked voice, making me sit up and my eyes shoot open out of startlement.

"Ryouta-kun?" I asked out of concern, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. "Are you okay? Did something happen to you?"

"Ah, good morning, Yukicchi..."

My narrowed eyes wandered to the calendar pinned on a wall of my room, just beside my Sekaiichi Hatsukoi poster. A small contented smile emerged on my lips when my fangirl gaze focused on the poster instead. Takano and Onodera... Squeee~! "Good morning...," I replied. Good morning, indeed!

"Did I wake you up?" he asked, his voice turning softer and sounding like a timid uke. It could also be heard similarly to a cry of a newborn puppy.

Y U DO DIS, I inwardly replied, just like how I typed in those fujoshi-fudanshi forums. I didn't have the heart to reply to him in a semi-mean way if he asked like that!

"Kind of...?" I responded, "But it's fine because it's you..." It's fine because it's you, perfect seke.

A loud thud was instantly heard. I called his name a couple of times, just enough for me to find out that he dropped his phone or that the phone slipped from his hand. Moments after, Ryouta-kun's not-so-manly cry resounded from the phone, before his voice went closer.

"Y-Yukicchi? Are you still there?" he stammered, his breathing uneven.

"Did something happen?" I asked in a hushed tone. "Did you drop your phone?"

"Yeah, but I'm okay!" he answered. "...but it's your fault...," he added softly.

I lay back down on my comforting bed and closed my eyes. "What do you mean?"

"It's your fault I dropped my phone because you said that!" he whined, though I didn't really understand what he meant, "My heart wasn't ready!"

Due to my drowsiness, I wasn't able to properly comprehend anything he said. "I'm sorry, then... Why did you-" I yawned, "-call?"

"Ah, I almost forgot!"


"Yukicchi, please go to the convenience store nearest to your station as soon as possible!"

This time, I forced myself to focus on the calendar. It felt like there was something important today. On today's date, something in red was written just below the number on the calendar. Winter... Cup... Winter Cup! The realization had me sitting up in a jolt, remembering to cheer on both Ryouta-kun and Kuro-tan and to take note of inevitable man-to-man positions. (Wait, that sounded wrong. Or right.)

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