Twenty-Three - Rhymes

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Mashiro Yuki

Yawning, I stretched my arms and back before I started unlocking my shoe locker. 

"You can fit a thousand donuts into that large yawn of yours." 

I turned to face the speaker who was facing me, with his short hair disheveled and his face frowning a little at me. When our eyes met, he looked away, scratching his head, further messing up his hair. Somehow, I couldn't help but notice that Ogata-kun, whenever I see him or encounter him, he's always, always frowning, that at times I couldn't help but wonder to myself if I had done something wrong that he would rather not confront me about. Am I always in the way whet it comes to his romantic male interests?

"Good morning, Ogata-kun," I greeted him with a sleepy smile, pulling my bag's strap closer to the crook of my neck. "Your hair is messed up," I commented as revenge to his earlier teasing, chuckling a little. 

His eyes widened, blinked at me, and turned away, combing his unruly hair. "I don't want to hear that from someone who also has her hair sticking out in weird places," he replied with a small growl. 

"Eh?" I stared at him before I took my phone out of my pocket to look at my reflection. Some short locks of layered hair were up; my hair looked like a shaggy puppy's fur that wasn't groomed for months. Oh, yeah. I forgot to comb my hair again due to my drowsiness. "That was embarrassing..." I let out a sheepish giggle, fishing out a thick hair tie from my bag's side pocket and put up my hair in a messy bun, twirling it in the process to give it some sort of style. I combed my bangs and posed with a peace sign, grinning at my classmate. "Cute enough?" 

He stepped back, frowning at me, and looked away, scratching his nape. "What's with that question?! You l-look c-c-c---"

I laughed. "I'm teasing, Ogata-kun!" 

He groaned and was silent for a moment. "You look like you didn't get enough sleep."

I nodded. I watched all four episodes of Hybrid Child last night, and was unable to easily sleep due to the feels. I kept crying at every single episode, especially the last ones.  That series will always make me cry no matter how many times I've watched it. But it's not like I could just say that to Ogata-kun, right? "Anime," I explained with a general term.

I might say that, but I just told Ryouta-kun about my little interest. At first, I was scared that he'd be disgusted, but he just said that it's interesting with his usual charming smile right after I confessed about it. His expression did seem interested and I didn't sense that he was freaked out, so maybe that's good? He then proceeded to inquire more about the other genres I prefer---I noticed that there was something off with him at that point, but it disappeared as we talked more---and I asked him if he watched anime. He admitted that there were times that he watched anime with his older sister, which I thought was really cool since it's Ryumi-senpai and she analyzes the story at the same time that she enjoys it. A lively conversation stemmed from there.

But did I tell him about it too soon? 

Finally getting my locker open, I was taking off my outdoor shoes when I noticed something inside the locker.

On top of my indoor shoes was an envelope.

A death threat?! A challenge note?! A letter of acceptance to a school for the supernatural?! 

With nervous fingers, I took out the letter and carefully opened the plain white envelope. The paper inside was clear white, which made me a little nervous on how it looked carefully prepared. Ogata-kun stood beside me silently in interest.

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