"Elementary school"

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Jessica was doing quite well in school. She actually liked and enjoyed what they were doing. Her parents already taught her some basics of counting, writing, and reading so she had no struggles.

She was an excellent pupil. Always understood everything she needed to so the teachers didn't pay much attention to her. They focused more on the pupils with struggles, who needed help, and more explaining.

Throughout Jessica's first years she was doing great. As she was still a kid she didn't understand the concept of time much, as other kids. She didn't pay attention to how she was slowly changing. How her interest and personality are changing.

She gave up on trying to talk to other kids after just a few months in. She paid attention in class so her mind was always occupied. That was until the breaks came. Other kids would chat together meanwhile Jessica would just silently sit at her desk, eating, or writing her homework from the previous period so she'll have more free time at home. 

There would be times when she would feel more lonely and cry. She became good at hidding her tears. She would cross her arms on the desk and bury her head in them letting the tears just fall. She only had short periods of crying episodes. She would manage to dry her face before the next lesson would start.

She was excited to go home each day. There she would sit in her room playing video games, drawing, or reading, sometimes making up scenarios in her head about hanging out with someone. And that was when Brandon started crossing her mind again.

Whenever her parents would ask her about the day at school she would start to make up lies about having friends so she won't have to listen to them being worried and questioning her daily.

Of course, they could always tell whenever she lied. She was a kid and kids are not good at lying.

After some time Jessica would notice a lady she recognized as the schools psychologist, keeping an eye on her. As Jessica grew older she was excelling not only in her studies but also in her ability to lie and pretend. She managed to cry in complete silence even in public avoiding anyone's gaze. Lying to her parents on daily basis and hiding her real feelings was something that was becoming natural to her.

She didn't want anyone to notice her emotions even though she knew nobody would notice her anyways. Her whole school years she would sit at the first desk by the doors where she was easily unnoticable. The teacher payed more attention to kids in the back rows as they would disturb the lessons the most, or to kids in middle row or the row by the window.

Ever since Jessica's first years she lied trying to avoid any school activities like Halloween or Christmas parties. This won't be an actual party. They were organized by the school. Each class would choose a performance for the parents and teachers and perform around the time of the Holiday, in front of the whole school.

Jessica tried lying about the dates of those events so she can avoid going there but her parents always noted from the school's event updates.

To say it simply, Jessica grew to hate social events more and more. She never made any friends which she could enjoy these events with, and seeing everyone happy and excited made her always sad, but as she got older her sadness began to turn into anger and hate.

How is it fair that everyone is so happy and she can't have what they do? How can she be happy when she's always by herself, alone?

She would sometimes think about Brandon more often and slowly began to hate him too. Her reasons were self-centered. She began to feel like everyone is ignoring her purposely. And he? Why did he suddenly leave without any explanation or never getting in touch with her again?

When she was 14 years old and it was her last year in primary school she decided to go to a Halloween school party dressed up as a ghost, using a similar costume she used in kindergarten.

That evening she felt what it feels like to be acknowledged again. Many kids on the streets would talk to her, hang out with her. Many of them were her classmates. They didn't even notice the girl behind the ghost is their classmate.

The next weeks in school she would try to talk to the kids and classmates who hang out with her that Halloween evening. None of them would remember her or just ignore her. 

Jessica the Ghost | Creepypasta [origin story]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora