"He left me all alone"

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During the next few weeks, Jessica and Brandon would usually meet up during lunch, sitting together and eating together, or meeting in the courtyard playing together. While Jessica was 4, soon to be 5, Brandon was 7. He should have been in his first year of primary school actually but he had one year delay, which was quite a normal thing to happen.

They found out they live just few streets away from each other so it was no problem for them to sometimes meet after kindergarten ended. Their families noticed both of their kids spend a lot of time together so they organized once-a-week dinners together, growing close friends too. Jessica and Brandon would sometimes have sleepovers at each other's homes.

What Jessica couldn't understand was that once the next year starts Brandon won't attend kindergarten anymore and won't have that much time after school to play with her due to his soon-new school responsibilities and homework. This obviously wouldn't affect their friendship much but they would see each other less.

There was something that Jessica nor Brandon didn't know. 


A year has passed when Jessica and Brandon grew very close friends. Their parents used to joke about the two getting married once they grow up. That's how close they were. Of course neither Jessica or Brandon understood what love means but they both had a crush on each other. 

The first day of a new kindergarten year came and Jessica seemed to be happier than ever. She was eager to go back to kindergarten, knowing the sooner she gets there the sooner she gets back home and she would go meet Brandon afterwards. She have't seen him actually in quite some time. For a few weeks.

„Hurry up dad!" Jessica said as she was putting on her shoes. „Wait sweetheart I haven't finished my breakfast and we still have a lot of time." Jessica huffed and waited by the door.

The day went as any other day. The children worked on some working papers, learning simple things like to draw straight lines, circles and stuff that would prepare them for drawing letters once they get to school. 

Jessica, as usually sat at the very last table by the wall. Opposite of her sat some girl with glasses and short light brown hair, and by her sat the girls twin brother. None of the kids seemed to notice Jessica at all. 

The next days, weeks, she just sat there thinking about the Brandon all the time. Was Brandon avoiding her? Or did his parents forbid him to play with her since she was younger?

As Jessica sat at the dinner table she asked her mom if they could go visit Brandon the next day. Her mother looked at Jessica's father and sighed. She knew very well the reason of Brandon's absence but didn't have the heart to hurt her daughter. It was more than a month or two after all, after their last meeting. She tought Jessica would make new friends and forget about Brandon.

Her father was the one to break the anxious silence. "Jessica there is something you should know. Something we should have told you some time ago." Jessica looked at them confused not knowing what her father means.

"You won't be able to meet Brandon anymore. Before you interupt me listen carefully." he said lifting up his finger noticing Jessica was about to protest.

"Brandon doesn't live here anymore. They moved away." he said.

Jessica let her fork drop on the plate before she run up to her room crying. Her only friend moved away leaving her all alone again. This was a very sudden change in her very early life. All her plans, all her life she was living to this point, it changed right back to where she was. She knew she won't forget Brandon that quickly.

Jessica stayed at home for the rest of the week, having a high fever from all the crying. She even refused to sleep with her parents. Most of the day she would just lie in bed hugging her big teddy bear, crying or sleeping. Her parents felt helpless, not knowing how to help her, so they decided to seek some professional help.

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