"What if I am a ghost?"

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After elementary school, when Jessica was 14, she didn't know what high school she should choose. All the high schools were in the next city anyways.

As her marks were excellent she applied for some of the best. She was accepted by all of them but decided to choose to go to the one that was closest to her home.

The town she lived in was connected to the nearby big city by just one long road. This road took around 20 minutes by bus and 40 minutes walk.

Her high school was located at the outskirts of the city, close to the road leading to the small village. She would usually take the bus in the morning but walk by foot after school.

This long road was surrounded by nothing but fields and forest.

Jessica gave up on trying to make friends when she was in high school. She focused on observing the behavior of her classmates. Everyone was too deep into their lives and activities or studies that nobody seem to notice that she was always alone.

Alone crying at the back of the class, crying alone during lunch break or on the roof of her high school.

After classes, most teens would go hang out in the city. Jessica would sometimes follow them. This way she felt like she was a part of the group.

Unfortunately, most of the time when she saw how happy everyone is and what good time they have she would hurry away making her way into the fields or forest where she would walk around crying out loud, knowing nobody would hear her. Sometimes running aimlessly in random directions.

She would again think of Brandon. The last time she saw him he was a kid, just like her. But what is he doing now? He must be grown-up like her. She remembered his last name being Langston and tried to search him up on social media. She found him after a while and noticed how differently he looks from what she remembered. He still had the same haircut and brown eyes but his face looked more mature, less chubby.

Time was slowly passing as she would make up scenarios in her head. She was hoping he would walk out from behind some of the trees and never leave her again. His bright goofy smile, messy hair which looked funny. Why does she remember these details?

But he didn't. He didn't walk out of the trees. Didn't comfort her. She was left on the forest floor crying, having to deal with it by herself.

Her crying would turn into rage fits, screaming angrily around until she would exhaust herself.

After she would calm down due to exhaustion she would get home where her high school life circle would continue all over again.

That was until Halloween came. She wore her old ghost outfit once again going out into the streets of her town. A group of teens her age would notice her, asking her to join them on their trip to the city.

This would occur each Halloween. Each Halloween she would join some group of her peers, hanging out doing all the kind of things teens would do.

She started to feel very conflicted. Her whole life people seemed to ignore her as if she was some sort of ghost. Why is it that once she dresses like a ghost people suddenly see her?

What if being a ghost is her real self? What if there is no other way for her to get social interaction but to dress like a ghost?

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