[old concept of her backstory] 2015

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[This whole chapter will be written from my perspective explaining it]

Back when I created Jessica in 2014 I didn't plan for a backstory for her. I just wanted to have a character to draw in interaction with other Creepypasta characters but decided to write a story nonetheless.

After you'll read what I came up with back then you'll understand why I didn't keep this concept:

I had Jessica's name and design before any backstory so I tried to build the story on her design, especially 'the ghost.'

At first, Jessica as a teenager would start having terrible nightmares of a group of masked people torturing her and sacrificing her - killing her. She would also be bullied at school - yes I know, very typical. Almost every creepypasta character back then had a backstory of being bullied. I was young 15-16 at that time and didn't know much about how to write a good story.

Anyways, Jessica would suffer from bullying and nightmares but later on she would actually be kidnapped and sacrificied wearing a ghost mask. She would obviously die but her spirit would stay here wearing a ghost mask wanting to go back to her body and live. The end of this story was that she would dig her grave and enter her body again and be on run wearing her mask.

I know it doesn't make much sense. Although some people on Instagram told me they like this concept more, that they preffer this backstory more than what I have now.

Maybe one day I will writte an alternative backstory with this concept but as of 2020 I wrote the story at the beginning of this book which I consider the original backstory for her. I wanted to implement loneliness in her story, something I personally went through and how the ghost mask symbolizes her loneliness and how people used to ignore her not wanting to interact with her. Because ghosts are something people avoid, cant see (talking in a fictional sense).

Jessica the Ghost | Creepypasta [origin story]Where stories live. Discover now