[notes] Story Update

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Author's notes: 

Hello guys. I have a few things I'd like to mention.

You may have noticed I stated some time ago that this story is now complete. Well after rereading it I edited some chapters and completely changed the chapter titles.

I feel like I could add more chapters in the future and rewrite some things, explaining certain events that happened in the story better. I started writing the story in 2020 and after a while, I was stuck with how to continue.

After like a year I got the time to continue the story again (2021) and finished it closing it off as something that's done. But I just feel like I could add so much more to the story. When rereading it it feels like I'm briefly explaining how Jessica's life was throughout the years but maybe I can write more chapters where the characters are interacting. Maybe I could write more about the dynamic of kid Brandon and kid Jessica.

That's why I decided to keep this story open again so if you enjoyed what I wrote so far, you can look forward to possibly more chapters in between the chapters that are already out.

It's the 1st November of 2022 when I'm writting this info chapter and I am currently in my last year of collage so I gotta focus on my studies so I can't promise you I'll be uploading new chapters soon. It can take me up to summer 2023 to writte new chapters to this story.

I was also thinking about adding art pages to this book. You know like after the written chapters there will be chapters where I'll be uploading art I do of Jessica or even cosplays. I can start doing that sooner than writting new chapters.

Thank you for understanding and I hope you'll enjoy what I plan for this story in the future!

- Nakime Dova 1st November 2022

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