"What is my future?"

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After Jessica graduated high school, she had absolutely no idea what she wants to do with her life. She was matured enough to be able to think about herself and her life in more depth. She was an adult now. Her life didn't change much as she still suffered from loneliness. She was mostly spending time on her own avoiding her parents which wasn't that hard. Ever since she started going to highschool they got more consumed by work returning home in late evenings. She would wonder sometimes how fast her life passed.

What does she really live for? What is her meaning of life? What memories of youth does she have? She was in her late teens, almost early 20s and she felt like her life, her youth was wasted. She didn't experience first love. She didn't experience going out late with friends or going to slumber parties, or parties in general.

It is safe to say she suffered from loneliness, as well as depression. Who else did she have other than her parents, who she lied to most of the time?

Whenever they would go out as a family on a trip, or a dinner, or just to buy groceries, how many times she feel angry, frustrated, humiliated seeing her peers hanging out in groups or pairs and there she was, hanging out with her parents.

She loved her parents but her lack of interaction with any other human beings was what made her angry, and frustrated.

So what did she really have? What were her plans for the future?

She was thinking maybe she could try to apply for a university that is oriented toward technologies. Maybe she could work as a video game developer one day. Playing video games was what she did most of the time after all. It was the closest thing to her.

She was also thinking about studying psychology as she was interested in observing human behavior and learning more about it.

She couldn't decide so she agreed with her parent to wait one year or few. Find a part-time job while she sets her mind.

She found a part-time job in her town, applying as a worker in the local supermarket. Her job would be to load out the groceries from trucks in the early morning and place them on shelves during the rest of her shift.

She would work in shifts which made her work either from early morning until afternoon, or from afternoon until the whole supermarket would close around 10 PM.

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