"It's pointless"

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Monday came and Jessica's mother came to visit their teacher before the kindergarten day officially started. She knocked on her door and walked in with Jessica, holding her hand. They both sat by the teacher's working table. Jessica was staring up at her mom and teacher not really understanding the conversation between them.

„Good morning miss, I am Sarah Chardee, and this is my daughter Jessica, and I am here because my daughter was getting upset lately because she told me she has no friends and that the other kids ignore her when she tries to talk to them. I'd like to ask you if there's anything you can do about it?"

The teacher looked surprised and said „Oh I am very sorry miss Chardee, I'll try to do what I can. I noticed your daughter playing by herself multiple times but I never thought she would be upset. You see, from my many years working with kids, I met with a lot of things. Some kids are just loners, introverts, who prefer to do things alone, and by forcing them to interact with others we only caused them to get angry and upset. Of course, now that I know the situation I'll try to do what I can."

„Thank you very much, I'll be going now okay Jess, today your dad will pick you up." her mother said goodbye and left for work, while Jessica and the teacher walked to their class.

The day went as any other day, Jessica was still not interacting with anyone. After lunch they got ready to go to the courtyard. When there, the teacher asked one kid to wait and discuss one matter.

The kid stopped and the teacher asked him to take Jessica to their group of friends and play with her. The kid said yes and took Jessica by hand dragging her to the waiting group of other kids. The kid started telling others their role for the play but said nothing to Jessica, she just stood there not knowing what to do. After the main kid told everyone their role, everyone started running away some direction. Jessica wasn't sure what to do since she haven't got any role so she started running after the kids. The teacher noticed this from a far and thought they are playing, but in reality, Jessica was ignored once again.

Jessica the Ghost | Creepypasta [origin story]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu