"This ghost"

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During the next few months, and of the last months of Jessica going to kindergarten, she seemed to be getting better. She didn't mention Brandon anymore, and she started to eat more often, but she still didn't eat breakfast, which her parents considered being normal, since a lot of people don't eat in the mornings or are just not hungry when they wake up.

During the very last week of kindergarten, at the end of June, every class was preparing for the last day, which would be some kind of a celebration, a goodbye to the children that were leaving, and would start their school in September. All the classes woul be drawing pictures and making decorations, which they would hang around the kindergarten backyard playground. The teacher would be thinking of new activities the kids would do.

The kindergarten would host such event every year, the last week day of the month June. Kids would come in the morning as usual but instead of the normal day, spending it inside, they would be on the huge kindergartend playground courtyard participating in various activities, competitions, but in these could participate only the last year classes. The kids could spend as much of the day there as they want or as little.

Jessica was feeling happy to finally leave the place, even if she was very little and many people would say that she still doesn't know what a real friendship is, she knew she doesn't want to hang out with all the children wasting her day. She thought that she could be home earlier so she can continue her play at home. 

She was waken up by her mother as usual, getting ready for the day, going down to the kitchen seeing her dad eating breakfast. „Good morning dad!" 

„Good morning angel, are you ready for your last day? Remember you'll be getting older which means you won't be playing with toys as much so you need to enjoy these days while you can. You probably don't understand yet.." Jessica's mom interupted him laughing slightly, „don't listen to him Jess. So are you sure you want to get home earlier? Because me and your dad got a little surprise for you!" 

Jessica looked up smiling „what surprise mom?! Tell me" 

„You'll need to wait till you get home. But you can't leave too early. I talked to your teacher and she agreed that you can go home earlier but she said you could at least stay until lunch at 12 o'clock because you and the whole class will be getting cake after your meal! I heard it will be your favorite chocolate with bananas inside! So we will both come around 1 PM, because the parents are allowed to be there, taking pictures and all while the kids would be running around the playground, so we will pick you up around 1 PM, sounds okay?" asked her mother. 

„Okay, I'll eat some cake until you pick me up." Jessica replied knowing she'd be rather home than having a cake.

The day passed to almost 12 o'clock quickly. The children in last year would pack their things, their pajamas, their tiny towels, all the things from their tiny lockers, like shoes, spare tshirts and pants into their bags and would visit the younger classes saying their goodbyes to their younger friends. 

The whole time Jessica would be lost in her thoughts thinking about what new toy she'd possibly get but also about her unfinished play. All the other kids would be throwing their things into their bags quickly so they will have more time playing with their friends for the last time. Jessica would be slowly and neatly placing her stuff into her bag her mother gave her. At the bottom she would place her shoes she wore only in the class, on top of that she put her folded pajamas and on top of them she put her folded towel along with her tootbrush and any other things she found in her locker. 

Every locked had a symbol or an object or an animal wich would be easier for the child to find their locker by their symbol. As Jessica was standing there packing up her things she noticed only now that her symbol was a tiny cute ghost with big black circles as eyes. She slowly traced the sticker when she heard her teacher. 

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