"I'm tired of being lonely"

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Jessica would be on her own for just a few weeks when she felt as lonely as ever. She didn't want to admit how much she missed her parents.

It was a weird feeling for her to come to an empty home after work. 

Her house was big, as were her backyard and garden. Her house was the last one on the street so there was nothing but dense forest surrounding her garden.

The fact that her house was big made the silence much louder.

She now had multiple empty rooms she could use to her liking. Her parents' old bedroom, her father's old home office, and her mother's old room and more.

Video games were something that always made her partly happy. They were her way to escape the cruel reality. Thanks to video games she didn't feel as lonely at times. But recently she didn't enjoy playing games either.

Her parents moved away when she was 18. She would be soon turning 22 as she was still part time working. 

She was going home after her late shift on Halloween night. This was the first time she didn't go out as a ghost.

She got home and sit in her dark room staring out of her window watching groups of teenagers pass by her house into the woods, probably to get drunk.

She missed her one day in a year she could get social interaction.

As she was laying in her bed later that night unable to sleep she got an idea.

What would happen if she dressed like a ghost even if it's not Halloween? She got up and looked for her old ghost costume.

Wearing a blanket all the time probably isn't the best idea so she went back to sleep.

The next day at work she had to take Halloween stuff from the shelves as it wasn't Halloween anymore and replace it with different things.

As she was putting the decorations and costumes into boxes she came across a pure white whole face mask. She stared at it for a moment when it clicked.

She won't have to wear a blanket, maybe a simple ghost resembling mask could do.

She finished her shift that day, purchased the mask, and went back home. Before painting her mask she decided to sketch down some designs.

She started off with the basic ghost resembling face, 3 oval black spots, two for eyes, one for the mouth.

She wasn't satisfied with it as it looked too simple and plain. She changed up the eyes a bit. Instead of having roundish ones she tried to make them look more like the shape of a human eye.

That design looked too hilarious to her. The result looked more like an alien than a ghost. It looked like something was missing above the eyes. She simply decided to put eyebrows there and it looked better.

Even though the design looked better it still wasn't it. It was still missing something. What else could she add that would represent her.

After spending multiple nights thinking about a good final design, after multiple sketches, she finally came up with one.

A design she thought looked enough like a ghost but with her own twist to it.

The first few days she would take her mask with her carrying it in her bag. It felt weird to just randomly put on a mask and go out even to her.

But the day had to come. One evening on a cold January day she took her mask and went outside into the night planing on wearing it for the first time thrilled what would happen.

Jessica the Ghost | Creepypasta [origin story]Where stories live. Discover now