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Hello my lovely readers I come back from the dead💀 sorry I took so long to update I didn't mean to take forever but hope yall find it in your heart to forgive me
Love yall❤❤❤
Thanks for the 2k votes yall are the best love yall😢❤❤❤❤❤
cringydumbass couldn't get enough of your comments they made my day love so much😘❤


As Jack walked in, the door swung open abruptly, causing him to curse under his breath. Betty buried her face in her companion's shoulder as she tried to hide from Jack's gaze. "Relax," he whispered to her, trying to calm her down. She sat still, her body tense with nervousness as Jack stood there, facing the other way.

"Non potresti bussare, Gazzo!" he shouted, his voice rising in irritation. "Scusa, capo. Qualcuno sta rubando le nostre droghe, quindi ho pensato che fosse meglio dirtelo," Jack responded, his voice apologetic.

"Partire," he said, dismissing Jack with a wave of his hand. He turned to Betty, his expression softening as he looked at her. Her cheeks were pink with shyness, and though she couldn't understand what had just transpired between the two men, she could sense his anger.

As she sat on his lap, she began to feel more comfortable, and they sat in silence for a few minutes. Suddenly, he spoke up, breaking the silence. "The other day, you fainted," he said, his voice gentle.

Betty wasn't prepared for the conversation that she knew was coming. She tried to brush it off, insisting that it was nothing, but the memories flooded back, and tears streamed down her face.

He pulled her close, wiping away her tears, and whispered that he would let it go this time. As he rubbed her back, he carried her to the bed, removing his clothes and lying down beside her, slowly cuddling her.

As they lay there, memories flooded his mind, memories he tried to bury. "She's just like Samantha," he whispered to himself, pulling Betty closer and stroking her hair. He missed her, but he knew that it was time to move on, to let go of the past and start anew.

He closed his eyes, pulling Betty onto his chest, and soon drifted off to sleep
Morning come  Betty was woken  up by the sound of thunder and heavy rain she was also wrapped in strong arms she slowly began to pull away making Giovanni groan " where you going Fiore" (flower) he asked

This felt weird for Giovanni, waking up with a girl in his bed he did not allow any girl to sleep next to him but with Betty, he felt like he had the best sleep in like forever he could not help but chuckle at the sound of that. 

Letting go of betty she soon rushed to the bathroom switched on the shower she relaxed "his acting weird" she thought,  she could not help but like it maybe he was changing for good maybe all she needed was to give him the time he was not a bad guy, after all, he just needed time

Suddenly the door opened Giovanni walked in naked  Betty  immediately closed her eye she did not want to look down there she might have seen Dick online but she was not ready to see it now,

Here's my suggested revision for the story:

As she sat there, her cheeks began to flush at the mere thought of him. "Was he huge?" she wondered, feeling a warm sensation spread through her body.

Interrupting her thoughts, he chuckled and asked, "What are you thinking about?" Caught off guard, she opened her eyes wide and stammered, "N-nothing."

As he gazed at her, his mind began to wander to all the things he wanted to do to her. He wanted to dominate her, to make her submit to his every desire. The thought of breaking her before him consumed his mind, lost in his own thoughts.

After the shower, they soon headed down to have breakfast the maid was preparing food her stomach growled at the smell of the aroma she could help but feel a little embarrassed     

The maid seemed to be sacred to looking at Giovanni as she prepared  breakfast, it seemed like everyone was afraid of him

"I will be gone for a few hours I have a business to take care of behave, Bella,"  he said leaving her with the maid as he placed a kiss on her cheek.

Let  me know what you think about this chapter

Question of the day

Is it normal to be scared of guys or lemme say, boys???

😭😭😭 I seem to be scared of them

Don't forget to




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