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Betty pushed Giovanni away, even though she didn't want him to stop kissing her. This felt wrong; her kidnapper was kissing her, and she was enjoying it.

Giovanni moved away and smirked, loving the way her body reacted to him being in control. "You love that, right?" he asked.


Betty didn't want Giovanni to know the effect he had on her. All she could think about was how to find a way out.

Giovanni grabbed his keys from the table and turned to look at Betty. "I'll be back to discuss the rules," he said. Betty couldn't help but wonder what kind of rules he had in mind.

Betty decided to explore the house instead of sitting around. She walked up the stairs and discovered about seven rooms. "Are these all guest rooms?" she wondered, finding the situation strange.

Entering the first room, she found a simple and cute bed with colorful paintings. It looked like a child's room. "Maybe he has a child," Betty thought, as many thoughts raced through her head.

The next room she found was a huge library, which was something Betty had always dreamed of having in her own home. She looked around and found mostly historical books, but also some recipe books. Betty grabbed a recipe book and held it close to her chest, as she had always dreamed of becoming a famous chef.

As she walked towards the next room, she found it was locked. Moving on, the next room was full of paintings, mostly of a woman with a child. Betty walked closer to one of the paintings and touched it. The name "Sara Bianche e Renzo" was written on it. Betty stared at the painting for a while; the woman was beautiful, with hazel eyes and black hair. She looked like a goddess, and the child was pretty with dimples.

Betty heard a voice and turned to see Giovanni with fire in his eyes. "What are you doing in here? Who the fuck asked you to come here?" he screamed, his anger turning into fury. Betty stood there frozen in fear.

"How many rooms did you enter?" he demanded. Betty couldn't respond, stumbling over her words. "Th-th-three," she managed to say.

"FUCK!" he screamed, running his hand through his hair.

"I'm sorry," Betty apologized, hoping to calm him down. But instead, he turned to her and began laughing like a madman. "Yeah, sorry," he said, laughing even louder. "You know, Betty, you're nothing to me but a WHORE. I should kill you," he said, pointing his gun at her. Betty froze, unable to breathe, as he walked towards her and pressed the gun to her forehead. "Betty, Beatty, Betty, Betty, my fucking pretty whore," he taunted.

Suddenly, he grabbed her hand and dragged her out of the room. Betty was powerless to resist, tears streaming down her face.



 Her Possessive Master जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें