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Giovanni entered the café alongside his business partner, Johnson. He had been sleepless since the day he first laid eyes on his angel, longing to learn more about her. Unfortunately, he never knew her name. Lost in thought, he smiled as he envisioned holding her close. His reverie was interrupted by a soft voice, and he glanced up to see the object of his obsession standing before him, holding a booklet. She looked down at her feet as he gazed at her, and when she finally met his eyes, he could sense her fear. The realization that she was afraid of him filled him with a sense of power.

"Good morning, sir. What can I get for you?" she asked, her gaze fixed on her shoes.

Betty heard her boss call out, "Table four needs you." She hurried over to the table where she found a group of sharply dressed businessmen. One of the men caught her attention; he was strikingly handsome with tattoos running down his neck. When she met his gaze, he was already staring back at her. Trying to maintain her composure, she quickly looked away and asked, "Good morning, sir. What can I get for you?"

"Two black coffees, no milk," the other man said, while the tattooed man continued to stare at her, unable to take his eyes off of his angel.

Ignoring the tattooed man's behavior, she took their order and quickly walked away. As she made her way to the kitchen, she couldn't shake off the feeling of discomfort the man's gaze had caused. "Please take these orders to table four. I'm not feeling well," she lied to her coworker, not wanting to have to face the creepy man who had sent chills down her spine.

Giovanni waited patiently for the angel to come and serve their coffee, but he was disappointed when other waiters came to the table. Frustrated, he looked around the café, hoping to catch a glimpse of her, but she was nowhere in sight.

"Can you tell me the name of the girl who took our orders?" he demanded of the startled waitress. "Uh, Betty Smith," she stammered before quickly walking away.

"Dude, chill out. Why are you chasing after the hot blonde?" Johnson joked as he sipped his coffee.


Sitting on his bed, Giovanni picked up his phone and called his private investigator. "Find out everything about Betty Smith," he ordered before hanging up. He couldn't waste any time. He was determined to make her his and envisioned a future where they would have children and grow old together. The thought of being with her made him hard.

"Sir, the Russians are waiting for you in the boardroom," his PA informed him. She was dressed in a short skirt and a revealing top, holding a cup of coffee in one hand and papers in the other. He had considered firing her but hadn't found a suitable replacement yet. She always tried to flirt with him, but he had no interest in her.

"Mr. Alexeev, my apologies for starting late. I had to take care of some other business," he said to the old man, shaking his hand as they took their seats. Giovanni already knew why he was there. "Do you know why I'm here?" Alexeev asked. Giovanni shook his head.

"Some stupid idiot stole my girls. They were supposed to be taken to Russia, but my crew was attacked," Alexeev explained. Giovanni was the one behind the human trafficking of innocent girls, selling them into slavery. Giovanni had previously told him to shut down his business, but Alexeev refused to listen. As a result, Giovanni had no other choice but to attack his ship.

Giovanni stood and grabbed the whiskey that sat on his table along with two cups "whiskey Mr. Alexeer" he asked while he poured it into the cups "you remember I warned you about shipping young girls and you never listened" he said handing him the cup

Mr. Alexeev looked at him, realizing that only Marcello was capable of pulling off something like this - how could he have been so stupid? "You bastard!" he screamed. "How could you betray me like this? I trusted you!" he exclaimed.

"And I hate repeating myself," Giovanni said, taking a sip of whiskey. He knew exactly what Mr. Alexeev's next move would be - to pull out a gun and shoot him - but he was too quick. Giovanni had already drawn his gun and was pointing it at him. "This should be the last time. I hate repeating myself. Next time, I won't hesitate to shoot your brains out," he warned. Mr. Alexeev was shocked and scared, knowing that if he said anything else, Giovanni wouldn't hesitate to pull the trigger.

"Get the fuck out of my face. I'm watching you," Giovanni warned, opening the door and leaving without looking back

Giovanni didn't want to get involved in the Mafia, but he had no choice. It was a family tradition, and he had to follow in his father's footsteps. He wanted to make his father proud, and that was all he wanted before his father died. He smiled as he held his father's picture.


Now it was time to deal with the other business. Giovanni couldn't wait to have his angel. He smiled as he thought of all the things he was going to do to her.

"Is everything ready?" he asked his private investigator. "I don't want to see a single scratch on her," he emphasized. He didn't want her to get hurt, and he would protect her like an egg.

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