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Giovanni allowed Betty to go to her apartment, but he didn't trust her to go alone. He wanted to accompany her, but unfortunately, he had a Mafia meeting to attend and couldn't miss it. As he paced around his office, he grabbed his phone and called Timmy.

"Timmy," he said into the phone. "I want you to guard someone for me. Don't allow her to leave your sight."

After hanging up, he let out a sigh. Meanwhile, Betty walked into her old apartment, finding that nothing had changed. Everything was just as she remembered it, except for the emails that had piled up in her mailbox.

Betty let out a heavy sigh as she walked up the stairs, taking one last look around before grabbing her suitcase and starting to pack. She carefully selected her belongings, making sure to bring only the essentials.

As she reached for her mother's photo, she couldn't help but cry out in pain. "Mum," she sobbed. "Why did you have to leave me alone in this cruel world?" After wiping her tears, Betty grabbed her suitcase and walked down the stairs. The guard helped her put it into the car, and she got in, feeling a sense of relief wash over her.

But as she looked out the window, Betty couldn't stop crying. She cried until she couldn't sob anymore, asking herself why she was even crying in the first place. "This isn't the time for you to start crying," her inner voice yelled at her. "It's time for you to stand up and tell him what's on your mind. Don't allow him to control you!"

Betty wiped her face and closed her eyes, the darkness taking over her. Suddenly, she felt strong hands lift her up in a bridal style.

"Hold on tight," she heard Giovanni's deep voice say. She wrapped her arms around his neck, her eyes still closed as she tried to calm herself down.

As soon as he dropped her onto the bed her eyes short open rubbing her eyes she found Giovanni staring her

As soon as Giovanni dropped Betty onto the bed, her eyes shot open. She rubbed them, trying to adjust to the sudden movement, only to find Giovanni staring back at her.

"You've been crying," he stated. "Why?"

Betty's inner voice urged her to tell him everything. She didn't want to be used as a toy, and she had people in her life who cared about her. She wanted to go back to her own place and leave this life behind.

With determination, Betty got off the bed and straightened herself up, ready to confront Giovanni. But as soon as she opened her mouth, the words wouldn't come out. She couldn't find the courage to say anything to him, feeling trapped and powerless.


Hello 👋 guys firstly I want to apologize for begin gone for such a long time it's just that my phone cracked very badly that I could barely type😢... but am back and am back for good 🌟 I just got a new Phone, and I will be updating almost every time I get the chance to and I was scared 😢to update as I read the comments most comments were good😍😘 and supportive they made wanna update but the other comments made me not to update

but are back now for good and I will be updating at least 2 chapters in a week I promise 😊😇

I love you guys... y'all the best 🌟 💜💜

Thank you for the love and support and for correcting my mistakes by telling me where went I went wrong

nobody is perfect
Don't forget to


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