Chapter 5- Superstitious

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Raul's POV

Did I scare her with my creepy eyes?  Did she leave because of my tone?  Did I do something wrong? Did I say something wrong?

What the fuck is wrong with me? I've never cared about a stranger's feelings. If you're not any of my sisters,fuck you. There are so many females in the world who would die if I even winked at them and here I am overthinking and whining over a bitch like I'm a pussy. Bitches come and go. I need to get back to Italy. I seem to be losing who I  really am because of her.

I'm done chasing her, she's just my assistant. A knock on my door snatched me from my spiralling thoughts. I opened the door to a shirtless Diego. "Let's have a threesome, daddy" he expressed in a high pitched tone inspecting the room.

"WHERE'S MAMII ?? DID YOU KILL HER ?? RAUL WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO ?" he ranted. He added the icing on the cake by holding his chest and hyperventilating. He's so fucking hysterical, sometimes I want to shoot his testicles.

"She's fine, why did you come ?" I asked. "To remind you to call Jayleigh about your brunch tomorrow, you know she's a busy woman" he replied.

"So am I coming ?" he asked cheerily. I closed the door. I took my phone off the bedside table and called Jay. She answered on the first attempt. Remarkable.

"Meet me tomorrow at-

"No, where are your manners ?" she asked in a stern tone.

"Hello, Miss Jayleigh Winters, how are you? killed any more of your husbands yet? fucked up any more of my brothers yet ?" I replied.

"You know I'd pay for lunch tomorrow at Plantation Smokehouse but fuck you and meet me at my office, tomorrow at 10 am sharp" she announced and hung up. I laughed at her reaction.

I really want Elle to accompany me to this meeting for some strange reason. She's my secretary, after all. I wonder if she's okay, I can't believe I almost killed her because I lost control and she still had the courage to clean my wounds even after I told her to get into my car. I detest that she doesn't listen to my commands. I can't believe I let her slap my mom, disobey me and tease me. It's worse than I thought. Rocco would be disappointed in me, men in the mafia are taught to be like lions. We are taught to take control, to be demanding, to be confident, to kill and not wait to be killed, to be fruitful and multiply, we are taught to love...

Love. Ha. Love's a bitch.

I use the word love as much as I use the word fuck which is a lot considering I communicate with idiots every hour of the day yet, I don't even really know what love is. I thought I loved Melania but my actions after hearing that she betrayed me didn't spell love. I wonder if history would repeat itself considering Elle looks a lot like Melania. Hell, she even acts like her too. Elle seems loyal, like lay my life down for you loyal.

I'll never find out. I turned the lights off. I tossed and turned until I didn't even know when darkness found me.

I entered the church which I must say was exceptionally decorated. Upon entering an arc of pink roses stood above me hanging freely. Light pink petals were scattered in the isle awaiting my beautiful bride's dress to disrupt its very neat arrangement. "Smile, Raul" my arm was entwined with her mother's as she accompanied me down the aisle. My family was seated on the left with big bright smiles, some eyes teared up, tears of joy but in contrast, her family was seated on the right happy, but upset that the bride hadn't come out yet. Her mother kissed both my cheeks when we arrived at the altar. " Promise me you'll cherish her and keep her safe" she whispered, the warmth of her palm on my cheek reminded me of the times my mother would do the same gesture. The simple gesture reminded me of a mother's touch. ''I promise ma" I responded with much pride and zest because I would die for the woman I'm marrying. Ma quickly made her way to her seat in the front row. Differences by OpenSoul filled the room.

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