Chapter 9- Façade

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Elle's POV

1 hour later

"It has been an hour and he's still watching you intently, you must've crossed paths with the boss," the driver said.

"Not necessarily" I responded.

He was right, I must've done something why I was the centre of Raul's attention. The driver said "boss" yet he didn't have any tattoos indicating that he was a part of the mafia or maybe it wasn't visible. Why was he so focused on his boss?

"Miss, I must admit I'm shy beneath your gaze" he admitted, making me feel like a stalker.

"I'm sorry, sometimes I focus on whatever or whoever's directly before me when deep in thought"

"Miss, may I ask what you were deep in thought about ?" he questioned, fixing the rearview mirror.

"Can you stop addressing me as miss ?"

"What should I address you as ?"


" Okay Elle, I'm Tyler" he informed.

"What were you deep in thought about Elle ?" his irises, a mixture of water and fire glanced at mine in curiosity.

The sound of laughter and music was deafening. Behind us, Le and Diego were the entertainment while the rest just enjoyed the show. I focused my attention on Tyler.

" I was thinking about the fact that you don't have any tattoos and you're one of Raul's men" I answered truthfully.

" I do but you can't see them. Maybe I could show you another time ?" he said, flashing his pearly whites.

" Sure, you'll be seeing more of me"

"I could say the same Elle, I'm you're personal driver thanks to Diego"  he revealed, a wide smile stretched across his defined face. He smiles too much. It's creepy but it's cute.

"You're the first person I've had a casual conversation with since moving to Milan" he admitted, smiling once again.

"You have a beautiful smile" the compliment slipped from my lips. Fuck. I covered my mouth and averted my gaze to the scenery outside.

" Thank you loveliness"

I closed my eyes and tried to get comfortable. I can't hurt anyone while napping. I can't do anything stupid while resting.His face was stuck in my mind. Clouding my imagination.

His eyes held such innocence, with each glance I drowned in his unique coloured irises, a delightful blend of blue with fire dancing in the centre of the sea. The black frames he wore took nothing from how handsome he was. His short black wavy strands were brushed away from his face, leaving me with a view of his gleaming olive skin. His thin pink lips, his thick eyebrows and the short hairs that made a mosaic around his jawline only added to his attractive face.

I know for a fact his perfect smile was his panty-dropper. The energy I got from him told me he wasn't like the rest of the men in the mafia. He held an innocent, gentle nature. He was polite and decent.

I wondered what my life ahead held for me. Marrying the eldest son of Rocco. Being around people whose nature is to kill, to win, no matter the costs. The bus stopped. I heard the sound of the bus door opening.

My eyes fluttered open and I realized that Raul's men had to check the bus before it was allowed inside what seemed to be the Romano Family estate.

Raul nodded at them and they exited the bus.

The giant golden gates opened allowing us in. It was dark and the glass was tinted so I could hardly see what was outside. After what seemed to be an eternity, we exited the bus.

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