Chapter 12-War

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A few hours later.

"Roro! Wake up, Zia Melania Cosa c'è di sbagliato in lui? a cute familiar high-pitched voice asked.

"He's just tired, go play with Reign I'll wake him up for you, Rosabelle"

I shot up. Rosabelle was already running toward the maids seated in the living room. One of them had a baby seated on her lap.

"This was all I wanted, a happy family with no drama and no guns. Just an atmosphere of love, peace and happiness but I guess we're cursed once we get involved with anything toxic. Don't you think ?" she sighed, staring at Rosabelle making funny faces for the baby.

"What did you do to me, Melania ?" I could barely speak. My throat felt dry as if it was closing with every word.

"Thirsty and light-headed? Here my love" she responded, handing me a bottle of water. Within seconds I was almost at the bottom of the water bottle and I noticed a white powdery substance settling. I grabbed her throat. The men positioned all around the house aimed their guns at me. She raised her hand, gesturing for them to lower their weapons. The maids took the children out of the room.

"What did you give me this time Melania ?" I am tired of her fucking games.

" The anti..dote" she struggled to breathe. I loosened my grip around her neck.

"The antidote to the drug I gave you before we made love"

"What the fuck do you mean by we made love sick fuck ?"

"Yes, Raul I fucked you while you were unconscious and to top it off I actually made a sex tape"

"Stop fucking with me Melania"

"Oh please, stop pretending like you haven't done both those things before but if you really want to see the tape is right there," she said, pointing me in the direction of a smartphone.

I rushed over to it and the sight before me made me nauseous. The last thing I remember was being straddled by her. Her moans echoed through the room, the moans that once excites me, were the trigger to my anger and disgust.I threw the phone against the wall not wanting to see another second.

" Well thank God I made hundreds of copies of that for collateral," she spoke up.

"What made steam come out of your ears a few seconds ago, was it your deflated ego or was it my necrophilia ?" she continued.

"Why didn't you take a finger instead ?"

"Your ego has always been your best and worst quality, if anyone really wants to hurt you, they should aim for your ego. Being used by a woman half your size doesn't look too good on your big daddy don resume right ?"

"What are you going to do with the video ?"

"Oh c'mon big daddy you're smart, figure it out," she said winking at me. She patted my chest and started off in the direction the maids went.

"Where the fuck are you going? We're not done talking"

" Remember you're merely a guest here, I don't answer to you"

" Mel I asked you a fucking question answer me" I slammed my fists against the wall. She always has been the trigger of my anger.

" I wasn't finished, but if it's Reign you want to see, that's where I'm headed," she said, oblivious to the fact that my patience was diminishing by the second.

I followed Melania to what seemed to be Reign's room. She smiled as soon as her eyes landed on him. His caretakers left the room. I'd be lying if I said this boy wasn't my reflection, in an instant, he triggered a montage of all my pictures when I was his age all of which reveal his face.

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