Chapter 8- Sea Change

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Elle's POV

His body had bruises everywhere. His eyes were swollen, and blood oozed from every opening on his body. It was just like the nightmare. Kai was paralyzed in the sand, I could tell he had a lot of broken bones and moving him could only make matters worse.

"I'll always love you, Elle," he said faintly.

"I'll always love you Kai" I replied. You never know you love something until you lose it or you're close to losing it. His hand revealed a black box, I took it from him and his body became lifeless.

I felt strong hands around my waist, lifting me from the ground. Slapping, clawing and biting were to no avail because he refused to let me go. I watched as his men came and carefully transferred his body to a stretcher. The caged emotions within me escaped.

Bawling, wailing, fighting
Sadness, brokenness, anger

Raul covered my mouth and  something  sharp was pressed against my neck. He carried me bridal style and with each step he took my body grew weaker and weaker. His beautiful hazel eyes with golden flecks met mine.

"You're mine now," he said.
I was met by darkness.

1 hour later.

"Girl's trip! dis nice nuh bloodclaat" a female voice said.

"Shut up, il farabutto" Raul spat.

My eyes fluttered open but my head was pounding and my vision was blurry. I reached for my head but realised there was a strong pull on my wrists. It was then that I realized that my hands were cuffed.My brain finally identified the female voice, none other than my best friend.

"Le ?!" I asked.

"Hey, babe !" she responded with such excitement. Her head was covered with a black sack.

"Raul, why did you involve her in this ?" I was pissed because he had no right to drag Leana into this.

"I-  Raul started.

"I can speak for myself Romano, now what kind of person would you be to not involve me in your life of luxury, Porsches and hot men with guns? Secondly,  what kind of friend would I be to not protect you while they fucked you up with drugs ?" Leana interrupted.

"Leana ,we are cuffed in the back of a mafia don's Porsche, he's literally abducting us and we are defenceless.  Ughhh, yahh yamhead enuh gyal"

"I'd rather die in a Porsche than die looking poor and even if they wanted to kill me they would've run over me when I stood in the middle of the road demanding they take me with you.  Babe, what happened to Kai ?" Leana said.

"I thought I told you to shut your big mouth" Raul threatened. Flashes of what took place on the beach came back to me. Kai's lifeless body, Andre's blood all over me, Raul drugging me... Raul drugged me.

I noticed I was now clothed in a white oversized t-shirt and black sweatpants with white socks on. Leana was in the same.

"Why did they have to change your clothes? "

"They wouldn't let me pee so I did it here and then it got cold in here after a few minutes so they put a t-shirt on me and a bag over my head so I wouldn't talk as much"
Typical Leana. The vehicle stopped. We stopped at an airstrip. What seems to be a private plane was parked on the runway.

Raul got out and came to my side. He opened the door and started unbuckling my seatbelt. His eyes searched mine for a few seconds. His grey eyes. But I didn't even care. I had no intention of looking at the man who could've helped me save Kai. He stood there and did nothing. All this time he's been pretending to care about me when he really doesn't give a shit.

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