Looking at me (kidnap Warning)

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(During this chapter you'll know what part keep in mind of the song "looking at me by Sabrina carpenter")

Hey cutie this seat is open if you want to sit

Gladly what should I call you

Do you want my real or my fighter's name?

Oh, you're a fighter that's hot, what's the name


(George acts shocked like he's never hear of the name before)

So, what's your name cutie

Maybe you'll find out later (smirking at Clay)

Oh secretive, mind if I get you a drink.

Go ahead surprise me I'll be back

When Sapnap notices that George says that he gets up motioning for Karl to stay there. Sapnap walks to the bathroom and a minute later George meets him there. Once George leaves, Clay turns towards Karl.



Sorry to bother you but I was wondering if I could get your opinion on something

Sure, what's up

So did you see the guy that I was talking to

Yeah why?

Do you think He's into me like I think he's flirting with me but it's sometimes hard to tell?

Karl looks around then leans toward Clay a little bit and speaks

He seems into you maybe try to make some moves but be subtle to begin just in case (winking at him) then Sapnap comes back over to Karl

(George and Sapnap's conversation)

Is everything okay George

Yeah, I just needed to check in with you...

George, you're doing great. Don't worry about it you got it

Sapnap pats him on the shoulder and goes back to the bar. George takes a couple of minutes to get back into his head and returns to Clay

I got your drink here, try it. Do you like it

Yeah, I do what it is

It's a secret drink

Clay touches George's hand. George smiles at him and hands Clay's hand

So now what Mr. nightmare

Why don't we get to know each other... what do you do for a living?

The best way to explain my job is that people book me, and I do the work they need done

Clay looks at him confused

An example of a job I do is that I'll have a client ask me to do computer work for them, so they call me and ask me how to find friends and family on social media and I'll show and teach them.

Do you like your job?

Yes, I love my job it has so much variety

That's good a lot of people don't like their jobs

Do you like begin a fighter

Yeah, for the most part. I usually end up here after a bad day so

George grabs Clays cheek / chin and rubs his thumb down his cheek

Awe cutie is there anything I can do to make it better

What you're doing now is perfect

Clay smiles at George and George notices Clay is starting to get drunk. George starts slipping the dust into Clays to advance the process. About ten minutes of talking and Clay getting drunker Clay hears a song and jumps up grabbing and pulling George with him. Cla stops when they reach the dance floor. Clay starts jumping around and humming to the song and whisper singing random lines to gorge

Are you not going to dance with me?

I guess I will

George starts dancing with Clay and looks around to get Karl and Sapnaps attention. Clay notices Sapnap and Karl staring at them and Clay whispers in his ear.

Cutie don't flatter yourself they're looking at me

George then notices there a possible weapon in Clays left pocket, so he finds the camera that bad is watching from and signals that there was a possible weapon on Clay

George nod if you're signaling there's a weapon on Clay. (George slightly nods)

Okay give me a minutes

Sapnap, Clay might have a possible weapon watch George I'm going to have him signal to which side it's on

George grab Clay's hand on the side that weapon is on (George grabs Clay's right hand)

Okay George, I want you to make eye contact with Sapnap if the weapon is on Clays right side (George does)

Okay Sapnap you got that right

Yep, right pants pocket

So, Mr. nightmare your pretty drunk why don't we get going

Sounds good cutie

They leave the nightclub and walk into the alleyway. George looks at Clay and tells him his car is this way. Clay smiles at him and as soon as they get to the dark part of the alleyway Clay pushes George against the wall and kisses him. Seconds later Clay starts falling down into Karl and Sapnaps arms

Wow he went out fast (George reaches down and grabs the knife out of Clays pocket handing it to Karl)

Yeah, Karl and I will stay here and tie his hands and everything you go get the van

Okay I'll be back

They put Clay in the back of the van and George climbs next to him while Karl and Sapnap gets in the front seats

Bad it went as planned well be there in 10 make sure everyone's ready

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