Hallucinations (Death and car Accident warning)

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The day of the mission arrived, and everyone was preparing

George? How many explosives did we make?

Um...I believe 25, 10 for the main building and 15 for the backup building.

Oh... okay I thought we make 28

I don't think so, how many are there?


Okay, is that enough?

Yeah, well make it work

They go to the mission and complete it with no issues, once it was fully complete George asked for everyone to wait a minute before leaving. George pulled Karl into a hug and said I had a bad feeling about today so now that we're all fine I want to tell you, if anything is to happen to me, I want Sapnap and you to make sure dream takes care of himself and doesn't became depressed over me like I did when he got injured in the ambush. Karl hugs George tighter and says of course we would do that.

I know thank you, I was just making sure. Do you mind riding with the other, I could use some alone time to think (Karl nods and they tell each other that they love each other)?

Karl runs off to the other car and they leave. George gets in his car and calls the others (Sapnap , dream etc.)

Hey, the first car left, you guys are good to go, and I'll follow

Sounds good

Okay I love you guys, everyone one of you

They hang up and George grabs the backpack off the floor that had three explosives, after a couple minutes after seeing the second call leaves George pulls out

Back at the base

Hey where's George at (dream)

Um he should be here any minutes (Karl)

What do you mean (Sapnap)

He asked me to ride with the others so he can think (Karl)

Oh okay well go wait for him outside (dream)

10 minutes pass

Technoblade and bad comes rushing into the room and when they see Karl they have a sigh of relief

I'm glad your okay where is George at I need to talk to him (Techno)

We took separate cars, he needed alone time. He should be here soon, dream and Sapnap are waiting for him

What? He hasn't returned yet (bad)

No? (Karl)

Shit... i need Tubbo, Sapnap, and you in my office now(techno)

Everyone meets in his office

Has anyone heard or seen George (techno)

No why (Sapnap)

Bad was watching the car and we lost the signal and it never came back (techno)

Do you think something happened (Karl)

Yeah, the signal doesn't normally stay down this long (bad)

Did he say anything to you today? (techno)

Before he asked me to ride with the others he asked (Karl starts to tear up) that if anything happened to him, Sapnap and I would take care of our dreams. He said he was glad the mission went well because he had a.. Had a bad feeling about today. (Karl)

Karl puts his hand on his mouth trying to calm himself

As of now we don't know anything other than the signal lost, so the four of us are going to take a ride to the spot we lost the signal and check it out. No One under any reason says anything to dream yet! Understood?

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