Red, Yellow, and Green (smut warning)

37 3 0

Dream and George leave the building and continues walking home



Have you ever thought about your love language?


Can I ask what it is

I believe mine is words of affirmation

Okay...interesting what about least likely

Probably gifts and physical touch

Can you explain?

I'm not a big touchy-feely person and I don't think I would like to get a bunch of things randomly I've always hated being surprised with random gifts


What about you?

I think mine is quality time and least prefer things like gifts randomly also

Okay what are your thoughts on physical touch

I don't mind it so I guess we'll have to figure it out together. Can you tell me a little about your dislike for physical touch.

Similar to saying I love someone, it's weird to say and do unless it's under certain situations. Like sapnap and karl knows that i don't really like them in my personally space and sapnap only really like hugged me when "needed to emotionally"

George... (dream is very upset)

What's wrong?

Why haven't you told me that these things make you uncomfortable? I've cuddle and hugged and everything else, why didn't you tell me

I don't know I guess it's never really makes me uncomfortable

Dream gives him a look like he doesn't believe him but says okay

What scares you the most dream?

That I won't be able to give everyone in the group including you the comfort and everything you need

What do you mean?

Like I fear that I will fail you guys

I don't think that will very happen

What about you

It scares me that one day you'll just randomly up and leave me with no explanation.

Darling I would never do that


Pinky promise (hold out pinky and they pinky promise)

How do I know you won't break it?

Darling, I never break a pinky promise

George pulled his phone out to look at a message

I guess karl and sapnap are out with punz, quackity, and a few others

Why do you say that

Karl messaged me saying that they'll be home late because they was going out with them

Oh okay, anything in mind that you want to do?

I don't know...

Okay well were almost back so if you want to suggest some things, I'm open to hearing

I'll have an idea but you'll have to wait to see


Ask a question

What's something you've always wanted to try

Like what?

You know (winks)

Nefarious (Dreamnotfound)Where stories live. Discover now