Team Bonding

24 2 0

Dream....dream wake up

George starts nudging dream until he accidentally pushes him off the bed

Clank clank

Ouch...what the fuck

Dream looks to the roof until a scared George pops his head over the side of the bed

Are you okay? I didn't mean to do that

The room was silent for a few seconds causes a comfortable tense environment until George hears dream's wheeze fill the room

Yes jerk, I'm fine

Dream reaches up quickly grabbing George pulling him down onto himself

Ouch now I'm not

George playful hits dream, who rolls to be on top of George

Care to explain yourself

I was trying to wake you up and accidentally pushed you

Oh my god ewwwwwwww

Dream and George look up to see and hear the door slammed close. They give each other a confused glance before dream stands up helping him up

Why were you trying to wake me??

We're going for a walk

George throws his shoes towards the dream; they finish getting ready then held downstairs to leave. When they enter the kitchen, they find the blonde teen sitting eating strawberries. Tommy looks up at them getting an instant face of disgust

See you two are continuing your...actions...back to the penthouse

Tommy, we weren't doing that. He pushed me off the bed, I pulled him down...that's it.

Tommy glances between the two before nodding and leaving the kitchen to return to his room

A little while later, they reach a good location to walk around the city

What are the plans for today and tomorrow before we leave

Karl said that sapnap and him have a team building activity planned between 12-3 then some type of murder mystery dinner cruise tonight 7 to 10 and sapnap has something booked for the morning before we leave to return home.

Oh, great looks like were spending the morning dangling off a building in sports clothes

Thats funny I'm excited to see what he has planned

I wasn't joking

George looks at dream with complete seriousness and dream heart drops

Please tell me your joking

George shrugs and they continue walking around until they receive a group from Karl

Karl :)

Today 12 - 3 we are going to participate in a team building activity. Meet at the east side of tulip park at 11:45. Wear athletic clothing that can get dirty

Today 7 - 10 we have a booking at English oak pier for a murder mystery dinner cruise. Dress nicely

Finally, we have a reservation at a secret location in the morning at 7, you'll get the location in the morning but dress warm and sporty

They return to the penthouse to get some sleep before meeting others for the bonding activities. After the team building activity, dream and George return to their penthouse covered in dirt and minor bruises.

Wanna join the shower

Hell yeah

Dream throws George on his shoulder and George starts hitting his back

Nefarious (Dreamnotfound)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora