It's not safe

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After Asher leaves the room, Dream sat there listening for anyone in the hallway while watching George pass out. The hallway had been silent for hours and George was still knocked out, so Dream made the decision to attempt to escape. After a couple hours, dream was finally able to break one restraint to free himself. Dream quickly looked at the cut and bruise on that arm before he rushed over to undo George. Once George was completely undone from the restraints, he woke George up enough to tell him to hold on to him tight then proceeded to pull George onto his back and quickly and quietly leave the room then the building. When they finally leave the building, it is pitch dark outside. Dream glances back at the building before speed walking away down the street. Once he got some distance away, he finds a payphone and calls the Sapnap phone.

Hello (sleepy Sapnap voice its 3 am)

Sapnap listen closely I was able to get away with George use the tracker and come get him he needs help soon

(Before Sapnap could say anything dream hangs up and continues speed walking as far away as he could

Sapnap jumps up out of bed and pulls Karl out of bed with him

Karl gets up dream and George escape please get shoes on and wake everyone on up while I get bad

Karl grabs his shoes and runs out of the room to go wake up Wilbur, Ranboo, Tommy, and Tubbo.

Sapnap grabs his phone and shoes and runs to bad and skeppy's room as he pulls up a map of the city. When Sapnap reaches bad room, he pounds on the door before bursting into the room waking both of them up

Bad, Dream and George escapes. I need you two to try to find his tracker while me and everyone else tries to find him. Karl's getting the boys up.

Got it, Skeppy, get techno and meet me in the security room

Sapnap leaves the room to find the boys, Bad goes to his computer to try to tracker the tracker and Skeppy runs to get techno

Okay everyone listens up, Dream called me from a random number saying that they escape and that George needs help and said to find his tracker to find him so Skeppy, bad, and techno are going to try to track dreams tracker

Karl and I will go to this part of town to look for a dream and George. Ranboo and Tubbo go to this part of town and look for them or anyone who might be with Asher. Wilbur and Tommy go to this area and do the same

They all go to do there assign things waiting to hear from bad

Okay can everyone hear me (They all answer yes) great the tracker is coming up at 4th street and willow road so that's closest to you Ranboo go there and see if you can find them. Sapnap goes in that direction looking for them also. Wilbur, I want you to continue to look for anyone who might be with Asher. Everyone keeps me updated. Techno has Dr. puffy on the way here for the infirmary.

Bad I think I see them

okay flash your lights and see if they look (Ranboo does, and dream looks back before continue walking faster)

that's definitely them but dreams walking faster, and I think George is unconscious

Okay do it again so he knows it's you

Okay he stopped

Okay make sure you don't see anyone else there and have Tubbo get out

(Tubbo get out and dream takes a couple steps away from him) its Tubbo I don't see anyone else

Thank God, open the door quickly

Tubbo opens the back door to the car  and Dream rushes over to the car and puts  George in the backseat before turning to run. Tubbo grabs his arm realizing what he's going to do

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