Training begins

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dream slightly wakes up to George hopping around on the bed

George what are you doing (half asleep)

You start training today! Are you excited?

Not as excited as you apparently

Come on wake up dream

George if you don't calm down, I'm going to hurt you

Oh really?

They both look at each other shocked

Um... I didn't mean to say that like that.... I'm going to go shower

George goes running out of his room, and dream gets out of bed to go shower also

About 20 minutes later they both go to the kitchen to grab something to eat

Okay once we get to the room, we going to start with shooting then more on to Archey and end with knife throwing and see how you do then we'll take a break and your end todays training with challenging someone

Do you know who

Not sure yet


They get to the room and George hands him the safety glasses and safety earmuffs.

Do you know anything about target shooting?


George explains everything

You can start anytime once I'm behind the safety glass and remember this is your first time, so I don't expect much

Once George is behind the glass, dream takes a deep breath and starts once he finishes, he puts the gun's safety on and sets it down the way George told him to.

Okay let's see how you did

Once George starts seeing the target he goes completely into shock

What's wrong George?

dream how the hell did you get almost perfect shots

Dream looks at him and shrugs

maybe lucky first try

Okay let's do this again

dream does and gets the same results

Okay I've had enough of this for today let's go to try archery cause there's no way you're this good at that to

Okay whatever you think is best George

They go to archery and dream does just as well at that

Ughh this is stupid let's go to knife throwing

dream giggles and follows George. George takes him to the room and tells him to wait there after a couple minutes Sapnap walks in the throwing knifes room

dream looks at Sapnap confused

What did you do to George Sapnap says laughing?

What do you mean?

George called me and told me to come down here and when I got down here, he handed me these and said he's in the room waiting before storming away


Yes, so what did you do

dream laughs and hands him the targets from archery and target shooting

Oh, wow you did really good how long have you been doing this for

First time

No way

dream looks at him and shrugs

Wait your seriously

Yes, this is the first time doing this

Sapnap looks at him for a little while then says okay well let's see how good you are at this. Sapnap explains what to do and he does slightly worse with it but still good enough

Well, your better at the other two but George is still going to be pissed


Right now, with your skills if you were in a situation, you would be able to handle it but anyways well stop here for today and retry tomorrow and see how the result then

Sounds good

Your challenge training will be in a couple hours at 5 so you have free time until then

dream goes to find George, who was pouting in his room. Dream walks in without saying a word, grabs George's hand and drags him to his room. George follows without saying a word and once they get to dreams room dream pushes George to the floor carefully

What are you doing?

Clay walks away and grabs patches and her stick toy. Dream sits down in front of George and hands him the toys. George starts playing with patches

Tell me a little about yourself

What do you want to know?

I don't know I don't have training for a couple hours so let's get to know each other

Okay well I'm a Scorpio my birthday is in November

Interesting I'm a Leo

Of course, you're a Leo

What? Is that an issue

George gives him and look then changes the subject

What's your biggest fear dream?


What's that

Look it up some time...just not now

Okay my biggest fear is probably zombies

Oh okay

They continue talking for a couple hours until it was time for the rest of today's training

Okay dream you're going up against Tommy. He is better than he looks so be prepared but we'll be talking to you in your ear bud to help you when you need it, but the goal today is to defend yourself and not let Tommy win we're not trying to seriously hurt each other. If Tommy thinks it's going too far then he'll say the word purple, and everything will stop. Well stop Tommy if we think it's going too far with you. Any questions

No, I don't think so

Okay you may start

Dream walks into the room and Tommy immediately takes the upper hand but Dream soon takes control pinning Tommy and Tommy quickly escapes. They continue this until Tommy gets dream pinned

Okay dream listens closely move on arm that is pinned up and toward the other arm as soon as you can use one hand to grab one of his arms, pop the bottom half of your body up and threw him off of you,

Dream does this and it works, and he gets Tommy pinned, they continue going until they decided that it was time to stop.

the rest of the night everyone hangs out and eat dinner and went to bed

Over the next couple of weeks,  their training continues, and dream got better at everything

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