Protection at what cost (Torture, drugs and injuries mentioned)

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The following couple of days they went to Quackity's club and did research for their pitches to the group about their club back in Florida. The day of the meeting to discuss the club plans arrives but Dream gets a strange message from Emerald and Cleo.

Dream are you ready to go?

Yeah, but I need to do something before the meeting so here's my plans I'll meet you guys there

Okay sounds good

How long will you be?

I shouldn't be too long; I just have to meet Cleo then I'll be there

Oh okay

Dream goes to the spot that Cleo asked to meet at and a few minutes later Cleo and emerald arrive

Hey, what did you need to meet about?

What do you mean?

You asked me to meet you, see (Cleo shows dream the messages and he looks at his messages to notice there not the same

Oh yeah sorry.... I was going to ask you to give this to punz when I was there, I accidently took it

Dream hands Cleo a small handgun

Put it in your waistband under your shirt and go straight home with it


How long did it take for you to get here?

Like 10 minutes

Okay message sapnap, Karl and George as soon as you get back, I'm going to have them wait for your message to make sure you got back okay. There at quackity's club for a meeting

Aren't you supposed to be with them??

Yeah, but I needed to meet with you first

Oh okay...

That's all I needed so get going, don't forget to message them and the safety is on so keep that in mind

as soon as the girls leave his view is messages sapnap

Dream ~ Hey I'm on my way there, Cleo and emerald will be messaging you in about 10 minutes to let you know they got back safely. I'll explain when I get there

Sapnap ~ sounds good, I'll keep an eye out for a message from them

Dream ~ I'll be there in about 15 - 20 minutes

Dream ~ actually something came up

Dream~ I'm going to be gone for a little while

Dream~ don't worry about me :)

Sapnap ~ what?

A few minutes later Cleo calls sapnap

Hey, dream gave me a small handgun to give punz... he said its dreams that dreams symbol is on the gun?

That's weird.... He messaged me something weird too and said something like something came up don't worry about me he's going to be gone for a while.

Somethings not right

I'm thinking the same thing

What should be do

Hold on a second George is in the bathroom I'm going to talk to the others really quick, so we don't freak George out

Okay, I'm back. Quackity and George are going there, and Karl and I are going to drive around and see if we can get a hold / find him.

Okay I'm going to send you the location we meet up at

Nefarious (Dreamnotfound)Where stories live. Discover now